Making a RTS game #50: Implementing a technology tree 1/3 (Unity/C#)

Let’s keep working on our RTS and implement some technology trees!

Mina Pêcheux
Published in
14 min readFeb 24, 2022


⬅️ Interlude #4: Improving the healthbars| TOC | Tutorial #51: Implementing a technology tree 2/3 ➡️

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As I’ve hinted at in the last episodes, I’m slowly closing this “phase 1” of the Unity RTS tutorial… but don’t worry, I still have some surprises for you, and I will of course continue to discuss Unity, RTS and programming tips in the future ;)

However, there is one last big feature I want to add to our RTS “game skeleton”: the technology tree!

Because this system will be a bit complex, we will build it gradually over the three episodes to come:

  1. today, we’ll see what game technology trees are, how we are going to represent ours and how we can use our new structure to create a very basic tech tree
  2. next time, we’ll talk about how to display the tree in our UI, integrate the research costs and time and how to save/load it to retrieve the unlocked techs when we reload a game session
  3. and finally, we’ll put on our “tool…



Mina Pêcheux
Writer for

I’m a freelance full-stack web & game developer. I’m passionate about topics like CGI, music, data science and more! Find me at: :)