Artificial Intelligence

Making Tulpas: a Pathway to Exploring Alternative Intelligence

John Ege
8 min readJun 29, 2021


Though there is still debate on whether or not humans can and or will make sentient, artificial machine intelligence, there seems to be some unintentional bias interfering with the conversation. If the Neuroscientists are correct in their proposition that humans are only biological machines, and, more importantly, that consciousness is an illusion, then creating sentient machines is as natural as nature-evolving humans.

I propose an experiment to test the human is a machine theory. Let’s all create tulpas.


First, allow me to introduce the concept of tulpas. I am approaching this concept from a scientific, psychological paradigm first and foremost, not a spiritual or metaphysical perspective. I will, in the course of the article provide links to protocols so you can engage in the experiment. I will provide alternative, comparative protocols that seem to parallel the process of making tulpas. It is my position, through my reading and personal experience, if a person persists in the protocols with minimal judgement, person will have experiences consistent with engaging ‘other.’ There is a continuum here, from mild auditory experiences and occasional flashes of insight to full on hallucinations of the person’s…



John Ege
Writer for

LPC-S, Director for MUFON, TX, and father of 1... Discovering the Unseen through Art, Word, Thought, and Mystery.