Managing User Sessions in Symfony 6: A Beginner’s Guide PT2

Nico Anastasio
Published in
8 min readMay 14, 2023


Photo by Headway on Unsplash


This post is the second part of the article about how sessions work and how to implement them in your PHP Symfony 6 framework application.

If you haven’t read that already I’d advise you to get the basics and return to this one.

Otherwise, have a great read.

Where were we?

In the last article, we described what sessions are and how to use them.

Pretty basics stuff!

In this one, we go over some details like how to use flash messages, the security aspect, and how to debug issues.

Flash messages in Symfony 6

Flash messages are a way to show a message to the user after a specific action has been performed, such as submitting a form or deleting a record.

An example can be when you buy something and see a pop-up showing up on the screen.

Implement them into your application is pretty straightforward, here are the basic steps to use flash messages in Symfony 6:

  1. Set a flash message using the setFlash() method provided by the Session class. Like this: $this->addFlash('success', 'Your record has been deleted successfully!');



Nico Anastasio

Experienced programmer empowering developers to write flawless code. Explore my blog: Need captivating articles?