Manually obtain GoogleOAuth2 access token with your web browser and curl

Florian Abel
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2022

If you manually need to obtain an access token from GoogleOAuth2, for development (or other) reasons, you can do so in a few simple steps with your web browser and curl.

Photo by ZSun Fu on Unsplash

Note: This article has been inspired partly based on the following two resources. There has been another way to do this in the past, which recently stopped working. In my search for a new solution, I found this post on StackOverflow, in which this approach is being discussed.

Registering an Application with GoogleOAuth2

In order to obtain an access token from GoogleOAuth2, you first need to register your application at the Google Cloud Console.

  1. Create a new project
  2. Define your OAuth Consent Screen
  3. Create credentials

Creating the credentials

We are starting at the Credentials-Page:

  1. Select + Create Credentials at the top of the Page
  2. Choose OAuth client ID
  3. Web application as Application type
  4. Name it as you wish
  5. Under Authorized redirect URIs select + Add URI and add
  6. Select Create
  7. Copy and save the shown Client ID and Client Secret

Obtaining the access token

User authentication

Within your web browser open the following URI (Do not forget to fill in your client id) and authenticate your application (Sign in to your account if requested).<CLIENT-ID>&redirect_uri=

After authentication, Google redirects you to your specified redirect URI, which is responsible for handling the authentication request response. Since no server is running at this URI, your browser shows an error page. However, in the address bar of the browser, you will find the redirect request from Google.<CODE>&...

Within you have a parameter named code , that we are going to copy and save for the next step.

Requesting access token

With the previously obtained code parameter, we are now running a curl request to ask Google for the access token. Fill in your code , client id , client secret and redirect URI and run the command in your terminal.

curl -X POST \
-d "code=<CODE>&client_id=<CLIENT-ID>&client_secret=<CLIENT-SECRET>&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT-URI>&access_type=offline&grant_type=authorization_code"

This gives you a response like this:

{  "access_token": "<ACCESS-TOKEN>",  "expires_in": 3599,  "refresh_token": "<REFRESH-TOKEN>",  "scope": " openid",  "token_type": "Bearer",  "id_token": "XXX"}

Now you have an access token, that you can use e.g. for development purposes.

Refreshing access token

If your access token expires, refresh it with this command:

curl -X POST \
-d "access_type=offline&refresh_token=[ZZZZ]&client_id=<CLIENT-ID>&client_secret=<CLIENT-SECRET>&grant_type=refresh_token"

Other scopes

In this example, we have requested the email and profile information of the user. If you want to obtain other scopes with your access token, add the desired scopes to your request.


With these easy steps, you can quickly obtain an access token from GoogleOAuth2. You can then use it e.g. during development to test (parts of) your software.



Florian Abel
Writer for

Techie & Builder | Python, Flutter, Machine Learning/Data Science