Marina.Moda ® — find connections that were previously impossible.

Dmitry Sorokin
Published in
6 min readJan 23, 2024
Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network
Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network

People often regard the act of creating art as a significant indicator of the emergence of human civilization, and the widespread appreciation of art signifies the flourishing of human society. This creative expression not only reflects the depth of cultural development but also serves as a testament to the richness of our collective human experience.

The rise of NFTs undeniably marks a groundbreaking trend, making art ownership more accessible than ever. Notably, Beeple’s “First 5000 Days” commanded a staggering $70 million, capturing global media attention and underscoring the potential and value of NFTs. We assert that music stands as a prime area for NFT’s mainstream development, surpassing even graphic art. Music, being highly communicable artistically (consider the ease of recalling tunes compared to images), boasts a larger market and higher royalties. With this conviction, we are launching the Marina.Moda® 💖 Web-3 Project.

Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network
Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network

We believe that the convergence of music and blockchain holds the key to addressing significant challenges in the music industry. Simultaneously, we envision music playing a pivotal role in resolving some of the prominent issues faced by the blockchain industry. Now, let’s delve into an exploration of the blockchain industry.

The contradiction between idling on the chain and economic wither on the chain.

In the long term, the blockchain economy must not only distribute value but also generate it. Currently, on-chain applications predominantly center around speculative activities such as arbitrage, mortgages, futures, lending, and trading, leveraging highly liquid assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum. While speculation holds some value, without a foundation in real-world applications, it risks becoming idle. A genuine application is one that addresses tangible real-world challenges, establishes connections with reality, generates new value beyond the original chain’s assets, and consistently feeds that value back into the chain. The sustained value and development of the blockchain industry in the long run depend on an on-chain economy supported by authentic applications.

An essential prerequisite for a genuine application is the ability to link off-chain assets, and this process is exemplified in the issuance of NFTs. Music stands out as an optimal asset for this linkage. Firstly, music is a fully digitized bit asset, eliminating authentication challenges present in physical assets. Secondly, the music market boasts the largest market size among bit-asset categories such as literature, pictures, and video. Thirdly, the music market features a relatively mature royalty cash flow that can be consistently directed to the chain. Leveraging these advantages, Marina.Moda® 💖 Web-3 Network aims to develop a bona fide application on our blockchain, facilitating the growth of a true on-chain economy. This involves bringing a substantial number of music NFTs onto the chain and integrating numerous music royalties onto the chain for payment and distribution.

Addressing the contradictions within the music industry is the next critical step in this endeavor.

Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network
Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network

Despite the ongoing trend towards decentralization in music production, the evaluation of music remains relatively centralized, controlled by a handful of large, specialized companies. This centralized approach poses challenges for indie music, making it harder to discover without a connection to the mainstream. Furthermore, it results in distortion and a deviation from the inherent nature of the industry. Music, being an art form, lacks fixed, uniform criteria for evaluation and should ideally be determined by distributed judgments reflecting the preferences of all listeners.

Music creation is deeply infused with cultural and emotional elements, constantly evolving with the changing trends of the times. The public’s musical preferences, being dynamic, have proven challenging for centralized record companies to understand and judge accurately. Many record companies, apprehensive about the uncertainties in the music market, are hesitant to promote new music.

Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network
Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network

The conflict between the relatively centralized evaluation system and the decentralized nature of production leads to inefficiencies in music discovery. This hampers the timely discovery and consumption of good music while enabling the spread of less quality work, resulting in the misallocation of communication resources and neglect of talented musicians. The consequence is that many skilled artists go unheard and unrewarded, and fans have limited access to high-quality music.

To address this, a solution lies in establishing a more decentralized, community-driven evaluation system. The challenge, however, has been the lack of proper incentives for decentralized communities to further decentralize. To overcome this, we propose introducing a low-cost NFT-based incentive on the blockchain to make fan community user reviews more viable. This incentive, distributed through NFTs, allows fans to benefit from their evaluations and the subsequent dissemination of music. Music NFTs represent the right to broadcast and profit from the future of music, ensuring that fans receive additional returns once the value of the music has been established.

Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network
Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network

Token Economics.

In contrast to various token economic models, Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network has opted for the Gas model, a fundamental token framework that has demonstrated its simplicity and effectiveness, as opposed to more intricate yet unsuccessful alternatives.

Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3, being the native token of Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network and the sole GAS in the entire ecosystem, will be utilized or expended for the following purposes:

1. Transaction fees.

2. Smart contract creation fees on Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network.

3. Part of interest on MARINA.MODA ® 💖 WEB-3 PLAY.

4. Part of interest on MARINA.MODA ® 💖 WEB-3 MARKET.

5. Basic interest paid by common nodes and POS rewards of super nodes on the public chain.

6. Copyright revenue settlement of Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network and Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Copyright.

7. Tipping, rewards, purchases, crowdfunding payments in the Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 ecosystem.

8. Intentional destruction via burning.

9. Unexpected loss of private key.

10. Transaction charges with other contract tokens on Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network.

11. Blockchain decentralized governance voting.

The production of Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 arises from the following:

1. Initial supply in the genesis block.

2. Natural additional issuance through POS rewards.

Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network
Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network


The surge in blockchain assets commences with NFTs, poised to drive widespread blockchain adoption. Music stands out as an ideal NFT asset due to its extensive social reach among music fans and substantial existing royalty cash flow. NFTs have the potential to catalyze a transformative shift in the music industry, fostering healthier income distribution, providing musicians with a larger share, and optimizing music production and distribution processes, thereby minimizing value wastage.

Our comprehensive solution aligns with the NFT trend and the evolution of the music industry, aiming to enable talented musicians to earn fair income, allow every individual to own a piece of an NFT, and ultimately contribute to making Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network the most widely adopted blockchain globally.

Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network
Marina.Moda ® 💖 Web-3 Network

Dmitry Sorokin
403 Gone,
REChain, Inc
Katya AI, Systems
Katya, Inc
Katya Systems, LLC
REChain Network Solutions



Dmitry Sorokin
Writer for

Dmitry Olegovich Sorokin (born August 11, 1999) is an entrepreneur, programmer, founder of the world’s largest startups & other IT projects. Sportsman.