Zuckerberg wants you to become a Metard

Seamus Slater
Published in
16 min readMar 12, 2022


Image by Azmi Talib from Pixabay

You will soon be living inside the Metaverse whether you like it or not; instead of looking at your screen as you are right now, you will be living inside of the screen. And this isn’t an exaggeration. Microsoft, McDonald’s, Apple, Facebook, Nike, Puma, Gucci are just some of the companies convinced of our future in the Metaverse, and tech billionaires are doing everything they can to make this happen. Mark Zuckerberg went so far as to change Facebook’s name to matter as he works to become the God of our new reality. In his own words, we want to get as many people as possible to experience virtual reality and be able to jump into the Metaverse and have the social experiences within us. Because of this, Walmart is buying up property and Jen crypto for the metaverse dude she’s making Methoni clothing. Nike is developing its own Metaverse shoes, and Microsoft recently bought Activision for $70 billion is simply to propel Microsoft into the Metaverse. But then why is all of this happening? What’s all the hype? I mean, on the surface, it would seem like the market is rejecting the Metaverse entirely after Facebook’s pivot into the Metaverse. The company has been tanking and is currently seeing the worst losses in the company’s history, with Zuckerberg his personal net worth dropping by $13 billion. Because of this, most people think that the Metaverse is over, but this was all just a blip. Just some…



Seamus Slater

Writer, Internet Marketer, Human Rights advocate using in your face attitude, fighting injustice implied by big tech and big pharma. https://slatercloud.online