My Boss Little Tricks to Show Value and Appreciation to His Developers

They sound simple, but it is not more complicated than that.

Josef Cruz


Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

I will compile a series of tips for those who manage development teams in the form of things you can do and say to motivate the programmers in your company.

1. This application (or web or app) goes like lightning

People have no problem saying without cutting a hair when a website or app runs slowly. “Hey, this is so bad, right?” or this website is “a little slow.”

However, what happens when a website or software works well? Nobody says anything. It is taken for granted that this is how it should be. Recognizing a developer's work is not harmful by saying things like, “this app is running smoothly.”

2. Customers (or users) love this new feature (or version)

Development teams spend months or even years working on new features. When there are bugs, everyone notices, and complaints are heard throughout the office.

When everything goes well, there are no serious bugs, or a feature comes out that customers find spectacular, you also have to let them know. It is one of the things that a programmer likes to…



Josef Cruz
Writer for

Entrepreneur, coder, husband, father. I spend my days on the web learning and sharing information across the globe.