Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT): A Complete Guide for Beginners

Cyber Hub Intelligence
Published in
8 min readNov 20, 2023

Web intelligence, also known as open-source intelligence (OSINT), is the process of collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information from publicly available sources on the internet. OSINT can be used for various purposes, such as research, investigation, journalism, security, business, and education.

OSINT can help you find valuable insights and intelligence that are not easily accessible through conventional search engines or databases. You can use OSINT to discover hidden connections, uncover trends, identify threats, verify facts, and much more.

However, OSINT also comes with some challenges and risks. You need to be aware of the ethical, legal, and security implications of using OSINT. You also need to have the right tools, skills, and methods to conduct OSINT effectively and efficiently.

In this article, we will introduce you to the basics of OSINT, including:

  • The types and sources of OSINT
  • The tools and techniques for OSINT
  • The internet layers and how to access them
  • The best practices and tips for OSINT

Types and Sources of OSINT

OSINT can be classified into different types according to the nature and format of the information. Some common types of OSINT are:

  • Text: This includes web pages, blogs, news articles, social media posts, forums, comments, reviews, reports, books, and other written content.
  • Images: This includes photos, screenshots, logos, icons, diagrams, charts, maps, and other visual content.
  • Videos: This includes movies, documentaries, clips, live streams, webinars, podcasts, and other audiovisual content.
  • Audio: This includes music, speeches, interviews, phone calls, radio broadcasts, and other sound content.
  • Data: This includes statistics, numbers, facts, figures, tables, graphs, databases, spreadsheets, and other structured or unstructured data.

OSINT can be obtained from various sources on the internet, depending on the type and topic of the information. Some common sources of OSINT are:

  • Search engines: These are tools that allow you to find information on the web by entering keywords or queries. Examples of search engines are Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and Yandex.
  • Social media: These are platforms that allow users to create, share, and interact with content online. Examples of social media are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Reddit.
  • Media: These are outlets that provide news, information, entertainment, and opinions to the public. Examples of media are newspapers, magazines, TV channels, radio stations, and websites.
  • Government: These are agencies and organizations that provide official and public information and services to the citizens. Examples of government sources are websites, portals, databases, reports, laws, and regulations.
  • Academic: These are institutions and individuals that conduct research and education in various fields and disciplines. Examples of academic sources are universities, colleges, schools, libraries, journals, papers, and books.
  • Business: These are entities and individuals that engage in commercial and economic activities. Examples of business sources are companies, organizations, websites, products, services, reviews, and ratings.

Tools and Techniques for OSINT

OSINT requires a combination of tools and techniques to collect, analyze, and disseminate information effectively and efficiently. Some common tools and techniques for OSINT are:

  • Browser: This is the software that allows you to access and view web pages and content on the internet. You can use different browsers for different purposes, such as privacy, security, speed, and functionality. Examples of browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Tor.
  • VPN: This is a service that allows you to create a secure and encrypted connection to another network over the internet. You can use a VPN to protect your privacy, security, and anonymity online. You can also use a VPN to access geo-restricted or censored content. Examples of VPN services are NordVPN, ExpressVPN, Surfshark, and CyberGhost.
  • Proxy: This is a server that acts as an intermediary between your device and the internet. You can use a proxy to hide your IP address, location, and identity online. You can also use a proxy to bypass filters, firewalls, and blocks. Examples of proxy services are, HMA, Proxysite, and Kproxy.
  • Web scraper: This is a tool that allows you to extract data and information from web pages and websites automatically. You can use a web scraper to collect large amounts of data quickly and easily. You can also use a web scraper to monitor changes, updates, and trends on the web. Examples of web scrapers are Scrapy, BeautifulSoup, Octoparse, and ParseHub.
  • Web crawler: This is a tool that allows you to explore and index web pages and websites systematically. You can use a web crawler to discover new and relevant information on the web. You can also use a web crawler to map and visualize the structure and links of a website. Examples of web crawlers are Nutch, Heritrix, Screaming Frog, and Sitebulb.
  • Data analysis: This is a technique that allows you to process, manipulate, and interpret data and information using various methods and tools. You can use data analysis to find patterns, trends, correlations, and anomalies in data. You can also use data analysis to generate insights, conclusions, and recommendations from data. Examples of data analysis tools are Excel, R, Python, and Tableau.
  • Data visualization: This is a technique that allows you to present and communicate data and information using graphical and visual elements. You can use data visualization to enhance the understanding, engagement, and impact of data. You can also use data visualization to compare, contrast, and highlight data. Examples of data visualization tools are Power BI, Google Charts, D3.js, and Chart.js.
  • OSINT framework: This is a tool that allows you to access and organize various OSINT sources and tools in a structured and convenient way. You can use an OSINT framework to find and select the most relevant and useful sources and tools for your OSINT needs. You can also use an OSINT framework to save time and effort in your OSINT research. Examples of OSINT frameworks are OSINT Framework, Buscador, SpiderFoot, and Maltego.

Internet Layers and How to Access Them

The internet is composed of different layers that have different characteristics and accessibility. The three main layers of the internet are:

  • Surface web: This is the layer that is visible and accessible to the general public. It consists of web pages and content that are indexed by search engines and can be accessed by regular browsers. The surface web is also known as the World Wide Web (WWW) or the clear web. It is estimated that the surface web accounts for only about 4% of the entire web.
  • Deep web: This is the layer that is hidden and inaccessible to the general public. It consists of web pages and content that are not indexed by search engines and require special credentials, permissions, or payments to access. The deep web is also known as the invisible web or the hidden web. It is estimated that the deep web accounts for about 90% of the entire web.
  • Dark web: This is the layer that is deliberately concealed and isolated from the rest of the internet. It consists of web pages and content that are hosted on encrypted and anonymous networks that require special software, configurations, and protocols to access. The dark web is also known as the dark net or the darknet. It is estimated that the dark web accounts for about 6% of the entire web.

To access the different layers of the internet, you need to use different methods and tools. Here are some steps to access each layer of the internet:

  • Surface web: To access the surface web, you just need to use a regular browser and a search engine. You can enter the URL of the web page you want to visit or the keywords of the information you want to find. You can also use bookmarks, history, or suggestions to access the surface web. Examples of browsers and search engines for the surface web are Chrome and Google, Firefox and Bing, Safari and Yahoo, and Edge and DuckDuckGo.
  • Deep web: To access the deep web, you need to use a regular browser and a deep web search engine or directory. You can enter the URL of the web page you want to visit or the keywords of the information you want to find. You may also need to provide login details, payment information, or other credentials to access some deep web pages. Examples of deep web search engines and directories are Pipl, The WWW Virtual Library, WorldCat, and
  • Dark web: To access the dark web, you need to use a special browser and a dark web search engine or directory. You can enter the URL of the web page you want to visit or the keywords of the information you want to find. You may also need to use a VPN or a proxy to protect your privacy and security on the dark web. Examples of browsers and search engines for the dark web are Tor and DuckDuckGo, I2P and Eepsite, Freenet and Sone, and Riffle and Riffle Search.

Best Practices and Tips for OSINT

OSINT can be a powerful and useful way to find and use information on the internet. However, OSINT also requires some skills, knowledge, and caution to do it properly and safely. Here are some best practices and tips for OSINT:

  • Define your OSINT objectives and questions clearly and precisely. This will help you focus your OSINT research and avoid wasting time and resources on irrelevant or unnecessary information.
  • Use multiple and diverse sources and tools for OSINT. This will help you cross-check, verify, and enrich your OS


Web intelligence or open-source intelligence (OSINT) is a process of finding and using information from publicly available sources on the internet. OSINT can be used for various purposes, such as research, investigation, journalism, security, business, and education. OSINT can help you discover hidden connections, uncover trends, identify threats, verify facts, and much more.

However, OSINT also requires some skills, knowledge, and caution to do it properly and safely. You need to be aware of the ethical, legal, and security implications of using OSINT. You also need to have the right tools, techniques, and methods to conduct OSINT effectively and efficiently.

In this article, we introduced you to the basics of OSINT, including:

  • The types and sources of OSINT
  • The tools and techniques for OSINT
  • The internet layers and how to access them
  • The best practices and tips for OSINT

We hope this article helped you understand what OSINT is and how to use it. If you want to learn more about OSINT, you can check out some of the sources and tools we mentioned in the article, or you can explore some of the OSINT frameworks available online. You can also join some of the OSINT communities and forums where you can share your experiences and learn from others.

OSINT is a powerful and useful way to find and use information on the internet. However, OSINT is also a constantly evolving and challenging field that requires continuous learning and improvement. We encourage you to keep practicing and experimenting with OSINT, and to always use it responsibly and ethically. Happy OSINTing! 😊



Cyber Hub Intelligence
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