Optimizing Mobile Apps for Extended Battery Life: Tips for Android and iOS Developers

Adi Mizrahi
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2023
Photo by Roberto Sorin on Unsplash


Mobile devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, but their limited battery life remains a challenge. As a mobile app developer, it’s crucial to ensure that your app doesn’t drain a user’s battery faster than necessary. In this guide, we’ll explore practical strategies and best practices for optimizing mobile apps for battery life, catering to both Android and iOS developers.

Efficient Code and Algorithms

First and foremost, the key to battery-friendly mobile apps is efficient code and algorithms. Avoid unnecessary computations, excessive memory usage, and resource-intensive operations. Here are some tips for achieving efficiency:

a. Minimize CPU Usage: Perform computationally expensive tasks in the background and avoid tight loops that continuously consume CPU resources.

b. Optimize Memory Usage: Leverage data structures and algorithms that minimize memory usage. Release objects and resources promptly when they are no longer needed.

c. Reduce Network Activity: Minimize the frequency of network requests and batch them when possible to reduce the device’s radio usage.

Background Tasks and Services

Both Android and iOS provide mechanisms for executing background tasks and services. Properly managing these tasks can significantly impact battery life.

a. Background Execution: On iOS, use background modes sparingly and only when necessary. On Android, use JobScheduler for efficient background task scheduling.

b. Push Notifications: Implement efficient push notification strategies, such as grouping notifications and delivering them in batches.

Battery-Friendly UI Design

The user interface plays a crucial role in battery consumption. Implement these strategies for battery-friendly UI:

a. Reduce Animations: Minimize the use of heavy animations and transitions, and consider using simpler ones.

b. Dark Mode: Implement a dark mode option, which consumes less power on OLED screens.

c. Screen Brightness: Provide options for adjusting screen brightness within your app.

Battery Profiling and Monitoring

To identify battery-draining issues in your app, use battery profiling tools available for both Android and iOS. These tools help you pinpoint areas that need optimization.

a. Android Profiler: Utilize Android Profiler to monitor CPU, memory, and network usage.

b. iOS Energy Usage Analyzer: Use Xcode’s Energy Usage Analyzer to track energy consumption in your iOS app.

Use Battery-Saving APIs

Both Android and iOS offer APIs that help conserve battery life:

a. Android Battery Saver Mode: Detect when the device is in battery saver mode and adjust your app’s behavior accordingly.

b. iOS Background Modes: Familiarize yourself with iOS background modes like “Background Fetch” and “Background Location” to optimize background tasks.

Optimize Location Services

Location-based apps are notorious for battery drain. To mitigate this, follow these recommendations:

a. Use Geofencing: Utilize geofencing instead of continuous GPS polling when possible.

b. Location Accuracy: Adjust the location accuracy based on the app’s requirements. High accuracy is unnecessary for many apps.

Battery-Optimized Third-Party Libraries

When selecting third-party libraries, choose ones known for their battery-friendly nature. Some libraries offer efficient alternatives to resource-intensive default components.

a. Image Loading: Use libraries like Picasso/Glide/Coil for Android or SDWebImage/Kingfisher/Nuke for iOS to efficiently load and cache images.

b. Networking: Retrofit for Android and Alamofire for iOS are examples of libraries that optimize network requests.


Optimizing mobile apps for extended battery life is a critical aspect of mobile development. By following these strategies and best practices, both Android and iOS developers can create apps that provide an excellent user experience while minimizing battery consumption. Remember that every milliampere-hour counts and a well-optimized app will not only delight users but also keep their devices running longer on a single charge.

