Part VIII — NVIDIA Mellanox Bluefield-2 SmartNIC Hands-On Tutorial: Install that frickin DPDK from source

Levente Csikor
Published in
6 min readMar 19, 2024


In previous tutorials, I’ve covered the process of installing DPDK from its source. However, the true challenge comes when you attempt to use it practically, such as compiling a DPDK app. Only then will you realize the need for additional system-wide optimizations, especially for Bluefield-2 compatibility.

“Installing DPDK on the Bluefield-2” revisited

In this brief episode, we explore the nuances of compiling DPDK effectively on the Bluefield-2 DPU, along with the essential system-wide configurations required to harness its full potential. Many of the previously documented DPDK installation methods may no longer suffice, as we’ll discuss.

It is especially evidenced in Part II., where even the compilation fails due to some missing rxp-compiler.h header file.



Levente Csikor
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Researcher with a PhD degree in Computer Science. He writes about tools and experiences to boost your research, and occasionally orthogonal stuff. (