PHP Is Not “Dying” You Clickbait Wankers!

Jason Knight
Published in
11 min readApr 9, 2022


PHP gets a lot of unfounded hate and gibberish flak about how it is on its way out the door. If this were in any way true we would probably see certain projects — like Wordpress — looking for alternatives to start porting to. That they are in no way buying into the bunko spewed by the fanboys of other systems should tell you a great deal.

It is interesting though the information people misinterpret to determine language “use”, such as statistics from Stack Overflow.

The Confirmation Bias

Developer surveys and statistics about topics on a website have to be taken in the context of what the website is about and for. Think about what someplace like Stack Overflow is for. The majority of people going to that site are either looking for “blindy copypasta” answers, or are having problems writing their own. Thus, the majority of their developer traffic are people having difficulty with the languages they’re trying to use.

Therefor, what most people are talking about, and most people willing to take a survey are dealing with, are the languages that have the most problems!

It’s like “Bad Bunny” being all proud of topping Google searches, when that’s not a symbol of ones success as a celebrity. He showed up on WWE with everyone on their shows acting like we were supposed to know who the **** this was, and the entire world in unison went “So who the hell are you?



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse