Programming Education is Not Helping Developers

Universities and bootcamps are killing the creativity and motivation of millions.

David Goudet


Science is magic and exciting, but most people hate it because they had terrible professors who didn’t know how to show students the big picture. The same is true with programming.

“What language should I start with?”

“What’s the minimum experience I need to qualify for a job?”

Those questions, super common in forums, should be a wake-up call to the thousands of teachers who are not motivating their students.

In most courses, you’ll hear about weird things like boolean data and compilation, but they won’t explain to you why we use those things. Bored and confused students will drop those online courses after two classes.

Meme by the author.

To understand something, the human brain needs a series of facts presented to it in a logical sequence. Like any good story or gossip.

In this article, I’m going to teach you some interesting facts you should know before learning to program.

The Sequence

You’ve probably seen those black and white videos where someone explains a mechanical device, like the differential steering of a car.



David Goudet
Writer for

Senior Software Engineer from Venezuela living in Madrid. Top Writer in AI and Technology. Singularity University/US Dept of State alumni.