Programming Languages you should learn in 2022

Carl Marino
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2022
Photo by Joshua Aragon on Unsplash

In this article, I will cover five programming languages you should learn in 2022 and why.

1. Rust

Rust is still a pretty new programming language in terms of adoption but has gained a lot of love in the programming community. Rust has been the most loved language for the last 5 consecutive years according to the Stack Overflow developer survey and it is not only loved by programmers it is also loved by companies as it’s being backed by tech giants like Google and Microsoft.

2. Python

Although Python is a language that many people are saying is dying (at least on medium) I think it’s still good to learn if you haven’t yet. Python is not only easy to learn but it also has a large community of developers and online solutions for almost any problem you run into. It also has 348,203 accessible with its package manager pip and is a very good language for Machine Learning and Automation.

3. JavaScript

Although it is often criticized for its quirks JavaScript is a very popular programming language and has stayed relevant despite its age. JavaScript is not only the front end for many websites but is also in the backend with frameworks like Node.js and Deno making fully JavaScript-powered sites possible. It also is very highly paid and although I don't think that's a good reason to learn a programming language I think it might be an encouragement for some.

4. Bash/Shell

Bash/Shell scripting is a very useful skill to learn in 2022. Although the demand for it isn’t very high, learning Bash/Shell will not only boost your understanding of Linux and the terminal but also help you interact with servers and create automation for your workflow.


Although HTML and CSS aren’t really programming languages I thought it was important to include them in this list because they are what makes up most of the web and from my experience being fluent in HTML and CSS is very useful. HTML and CSS are both easy to grasp and give you the ability to create basic websites and I think every developer should be able to do that.


These are the five languages I would recommend every developer to learn in 2022, I personally am planning to improve in rust and bash. If you like this article then please give me a like and if you dislike or disagree with this article please leave a response and tell me how I can improve. Also please follow me it really helps!



Carl Marino
Writer for

My name is Carl Marino and I’m a software developer from Germany. Buy me a coffee: