Python: Analyze metrics and improve code performance

Knowing the gaps and time taken to enhance the performance requires to know the facts

Laxman Singh


Python is considered as new generation language. Obviously, developers are learning, developing and writing lots of code in python. It always comes up with requirement of improving performance of your code and debug the code. Debugging is always made easy with the use of tools and existing libraries of python like PDB. For performance improvement, there are two major tasks. First, to identify the code which is taking more time — more specific to find the line of code taking time. Second, change the code and compare with the improved code. Finding the problematic code is always a challenge in any programming language and finding the exact line of code is to make it more complex. Now, if I say which code is taking more memory then most of the programming languages will require third party tool and most of the developers do not know how to do that.

But this is python and we have solutions to the worst of problems in simpler and easier manner. Let us jump into that and understand how easy it can be done in python.

Code Profiling

Profiling is the option and there are libraries to profile your code. This will help to run your code and…



Laxman Singh
Writer for

Machine Learning Engineer | Data Science | MTECH NUS, Singapore