React vs. Next.js — Which One Should You Pick?

A detailed evaluation of React and Next.js to help you determine when to choose which tool for your project.

Gautam Raturi
10 min readAug 30, 2022


Each year, newer JavaScript frameworks and modules are released, making it difficult to keep up with the rapid pace at which the JavaScript ecosystem is developing.

In contrast, React and Next.js distinguish among the multitude of JavaScript libraries and frameworks available. React is the most popular JavaScript library for front programmers. Despite being less well-known than React, Next.js has indeed been rapidly growing and is on course to surpass React by becoming the most prominent JavaScript framework.

The UI foundation for React is tremendously strong, but strength also comes with a lot of responsibilities. You must at the very least install a server, Babel, Webpack, and ESLint. Such complex tools are scary to all users, but they are especially so for new users and those who want a less complicated approach.

Next.js, a frontend JavaScript framework that relies on React’s UI library, aims to decrease JavaScript fatigue by enabling developers to construct web apps in a zero-config context that comes with all the essential tools out of the box.

In comparison to a library, a framework is more capable, focuses on a variety of project areas, and offers guidelines and guidelines for organizing your files and writing your program.

Users of React who are accustomed to building React Apps, React’s framework, may have PTSD while changing to Next.js, but still, the result will likely be worth the beginning struggle.

In this post, I’ll look at both tools, evaluate them, and discuss when to utilize them.

You might be interested in learning which is ideal for you.

The Difference: Library vs. Framework in React.js vs. Next.js

You must first comprehend the framework and libraries if you would like to better grasp Next.js and React.

A framework is a collection of programs and equipment to create web applications. When you utilize frameworks, you have access to a variety of libraries, and you can rapidly create a fully functioning program by combining these libraries. Due to the low-level features that frameworks offer, projects may be started quickly.

On the contrary, libraries provide you with the ability to manage an application’s flow. The fundamental distinction between the two is that with a framework, the flow can indeed be controlled. Libraries can be used to streamline the creation of applications.

Why are Next.js and Create React App (CRA) being contrasted instead of Next.js and React?

Compared to CRA, Next.js employs a different strategy. By moving the rendering component to the server, Next.js eliminates the need for the client to handle that data. Since the host pre-renders the webpages before sending the finished HTML to the clients, there is less JS to load, which helps speed and SEO. Although crawlers can access your website more rapidly and index it more accurately, users may anticipate a speedier webpage.

There are two methods for pre-rendering: server-side rendering and static generation (SSR). Performance-wise, static generation remains and will remain the best. Pre-rendering entails creating the page at development time and using it for each request. Static webpages are typically sent through a delivery network for content (CDN) in practice, which makes them incredibly quick.

In other cases, for example, when displaying dynamic data that is often modified, SSR is preferred since the client will receive a page that has been produced throughout each request.

If you don’t know when to utilize SSR over Static Generation, you won’t be capable of making use of NextJS’s advantages even if SSR is still superior to client-render applications in terms of efficiency.

Additionally, Next.js supports hassle-free complicated structures by utilizing a folder system, which simplifies and improves the process. On the contrary, CRA automatically creates single-page applications if routing is not an issue. The primary distinction between CRA and NextJS is that whereas CRA runs in the client’s browser, NextJS runs on the server, necessitating considerable code modifications.

But the comparison between these systems ends there. Beyond this point, the only difference between React.js and Next.js is in their native features. Therefore, I’ll concentrate on what React offers and how Next.js enhances its fundamental prospects.

React.js: An Overview

React.js transforms JavaScript and becomes the de facto industry standard.

React.js is one of the most well-known and widely used front-end frameworks for building sophisticated online apps. Programmers may build scalable, simple, and rapid frontend layouts for single-page applications or multi-page online services using ReactJS, a Facebook-developed open-source JavaScript toolkit. Both a reactive approach and a programming approach are allowed. In this regard, I’ll recommend to hire ReactJS developers India, in order to start with the basics of ReactJS.

One of the most popular front-end technologies, ReactJS, was developed by Facebook and allows programmers to construct reusable UI components.

In addition to Redux and other libraries, React.js is a simple-to-use front-end toolkit that provides a number of essential tools to encompass routing and state management patterns.

A JavaScript package called React.js enables programmers to create user interfaces. The functionality required to show a small portion of a larger user interface is included in a user interface (UI), which is a mix of HTML and JavaScript.

ReactJS is more advanced and is now the norm across all sectors. For instance, Redux has emerged as the top solution for creating enterprise-focused React.js apps.

In addition, you should think about the following: Redux could make it more difficult to complete projects. Redux makes your task more challenging when you need to add features and change some functionality in the application.

Thus, the question of whether to choose a straightforward library or one that is more complex remains.

You must create your own React.js procedure. This is a more challenging route than just using the numerous ready-to-use utilities that other JavaScript frameworks provide.

More of a framework than that of a framework, ReactJS is well-known. As a result, you will need to develop your procedures, one of which will turn into the Next.js framework.


Facebook is much to thank for React’s fame as a library. ReactJS is a component of the software stacks used by numerous web platforms. The following is a list of a few features available with ReactJS:

  • Virtual DOM: “DOMs” is the acronym for “document object models.” The module structure of the web executes code. This is the most important element. React’s virtual DOM is an identical replica of the actual DOM.
  • One-way Data Binding: The term “one-way data binding” refers to a data flow that only flows in one direction. Data in response can only flow in one direction. The information is presented from parent to child component, from top to bottom. This keeps things running smoothly.
  • Extension: To build full UI applications, we may leverage a variety of React extensions. React supports server-side rendering and therefore is appropriate for mobile applications.
  • Simplicity: Reusable code is a benefit of React.js’ component-based approach. Additionally, JSX, a language that fuses HTML and Javascript, is used with React.js. Code, as a consequence, comprises less code and is easier to comprehend and debug.


  • Easy to Code: Due in part to the usage of Javascript, which enabled developers to construct dynamic apps with much less code and a more recognizable vocabulary, in less time, React made the development of online applications simpler.
  • Community: A vibrant community makes a lot of training and manufacturing resources available.
  • Components: Reusable components in ReactJS may be loaded again to other pages while maintaining their original properties. Changes made to the component content will be reflected on all web pages.
  • Customization: It possesses a set of capabilities as a library that may be increased by incorporating additional technologies like Redux.


  • It’s a Starting Point: React is indeed a library that focuses on creating user interfaces; hence, other tools are required for it to perform to its full potential.
  • Outdated Documentation: Since its development cycles are so brief, the existing documentation quickly becomes out of date. Real community means quick replies to any queries or concerns, but it also means that users must constantly refresh their memory of its capabilities.

Next.js: An Overview

A simple framework for React apps is called Next.js. It is used in website development to create quick web apps because of its server-side rendering and static websites.

Next enables you to create a React application that renders the content on the server in advance using server-side caching. In this approach, a truly immersive app or website may communicate with visitors as well as web search bots.

This strategy ensures that users may access an online platform in under three seconds.

The built-in customizations and style options of Next.js make development simpler and provide you with access to starter templates and websites for your online application.

However, Next.js provides you the opportunity to delve deep within and modify the configuration to obtain the best result out of your app, whether you’re feeling daring. However, because what you received right out of the box has been rather nice, you may not be required to.


The Next.js has over other frameworks stems from a number of unique features. Principally, these are:

  • Data Fetching: For optimum efficiency, Next.js uses two separate pre-rendering techniques and retains data. Data may be retrieved and rendered utilizing server-side rendering just at the moment of the request (SSR).

Static production is an alternate kind that uses data that has been previously available at the moment the application was constructed before the application was submitted. This type is particularly beneficial in situations when data may indeed be publicly cached or was previously used for SEO.

  • Typescript: Functional programming TypeScript is based on JavaScript. One of the things that makes Next.js so well-liked among developers is the fact that it enables Typescript.
  • Redux: Redux is smoothly supported by Next.js.
  • Configurability: Although Next.js is very customizable, it is not a difficult system. Making folders is as easy as navigating.


Easy to Code: Next.js takes less code than React itself and the other technologies that integrate with React. Less code, greater readability, and proper project management are all benefits of this approach, which only requires developers to construct the webpage and reference the element in the header.

Speed: Due to Server-side Rendering & Dynamic Synthesis, which offer a more intelligent way of handling data, applications created with Next.js run quickly. The quickness of server-side rendering is based on how quickly the server responds to queries. Because static material may be supplied over a CDN, it is quick. Additionally, efficiency is increased by native image optimization tools.

Fast Rendering: By reloading the website, every modification to the content is immediately apparent. It is simpler to follow modifications as they take place because the component is immediately displayed.

Built-in CSS: For quicker rendering, you may import CSS styles from either a JavaScript file using Next.js and utilize them inline.

Better Image Optimization: Utilizing the latest formats, such as WebP, images are reduced and optimized for smaller viewports.

SEO: The creation of titles and keywords for each page is simple for those aiming for higher SEO. Just add them to any and every page using the highlighted Head component.

ESLint Compatible: ESLint may be used with Next.js using “scripts”: { “lint”: “next lint” }. It’s really that simple.

Easy Customization and Deployment: Next.js is extremely customizable thanks to plugins such as Babel. Installation is designed to be straightforward and straightforward, enabling applications to be launched rapidly.


Routing: The NextJS routing system is nothing more than a file system, which would be inadequate for various jobs. Because Node.js is the method by which dynamic routes are created, developers should be acquainted with it.

Community: Next.js may be small at first, but it is fast turning into one of the most successful web building blocks. Despite the fact that it is not a new framework, there are a smaller number of Next.js experts than those who specialize in React or even other frameworks.

The pool of talent and demand for Next.js developers is expanding, creating opportunities for anybody seeking to make a name for themselves in modern business applications.

Final Thoughts

In my opinion, both React and Next.js are wonderful, strong tools for designing beautiful, speedy online apps, and there is no clear victor. They each provide a specific function.

Next.js, for example, might be used to build a Search — engine marketing webpage that demands image optimization and launches without any configuration.

For sites that demand great interface design and cross-platform app accessibility, React will outperform. Moreover, if you are a novice, it is best to begin by utilizing React.

However, it’ll all be React code in the end. If you choose Next.js, you must first learn React because it is constructed on React’s UI frameworks and core parts, so you will require React no matter which path you follow.

If you’re just getting started, I recommend to hire dedicated developers India and you first understand React basics and then go on to CRA to master the essentials.

If you really need it, I would choose Next.js. It is all too simple to succumb to framework madness. What counts in the end is that you employ tools when they resonate with you.

Having said that, the choice is yours, and it will be influenced by your goals and the assignment you’re engaged in.

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Gautam Raturi
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