Reasons To Choose MEAN Stack Development for Your Next Project?

Steve Johnson
Published in
5 min readNov 9, 2022

When developing a web application, it is critical to have a reliable and efficient software stack. Developers today use a wide variety of innovative tools to complete their tasks with higher quality. One excellent instance of such progress is the MEAN stack technologies.

Mean Stack Development Company

What is the MEAN stack development?

Millions of individuals use the MEAN Stack development framework, a JavaScript-based web, and app development platform. It is a set of tools used to build websites and programs. MEAN stack, an acronym for “MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js,” is used by several Web app development firms. It is an open-source stack for creating MEAN-based web apps rapidly and methodically. In other words, MEAN is JavaScript that can be used in all system stages, from the client to the database to the server. With the help of the MEAN Stack, you may manage your products based on a wide variety of parameters. The data layer can also be updated and revolutionized without requiring any migrations.

If you know what you want out of the project and have a firm grasp on the advantages of MEAN stack development, you will be more equipped to make decisions about whether to hire a MEAN stack development company or Hire Mean Stack developers.

Also, if you are a developer, you can learn Mean Stack as there is a great scope for MEAN stack developers.

Key Aspect of MEAN.js Stack

The MEAN stack framework is functional because each part does its job. All these solutions rely on the scripting language JavaScript.

Mean Stack Development Frameworks


When building backend apps, developers often turn to MongoDB, a document database for storing data in JavaScript Object Notion (JSON) documents. The application’s data is therefore kept in MongoDB.

Since JavaScript is used in both the app and the database, translation is unnecessary when moving objects between the two. Since MongoDB can be easily upgraded in both speed and capacity, it is widely used. Also, users can add new fields to the database without having to reload the entire table. MongoDB can be used to transfer data between the server and the client easily and cheaply.

Moreover, MongoDB is regarded as one of the top four databases for creating react-native apps.

Express JS

The backend web application framework is called Express JS. It is a server that does not weigh much. Leveraging Node.JS supports API (Application Programming Interfaces) development while creating the necessary web apps. Similarly, Express.JS is being combined with Node.JS as the development process becomes simpler.

Express.JS controls the communication between the back-end database and the front-end application, allowing for speed and security. Express stops and avoids overwriting variables to avoid inadvertent redefinition, which can be costly and time-consuming.


Today, Angular is one of the most widely used frameworks, and by 2022, it is expected to be one of the eleven most common frameworks built with the JavaScript programming language. Google created and maintained the system. Single-page, dynamic web applications can be constructed rapidly with the aid of AngularJS in the MEAN stack. It is considered a perfect front-end framework due to its prominent level of use and ultra-superior performance. Furthermore, Angular allows for the concurrent development of desktop and mobile applications.


To create extremely scalable server-side applications, developers turn to Node.JS. It is the go-to backend for creating web and mobile apps. This framework streamlines the process of creating websites by providing a collection of JavaScript modules. Node.JS also acts as a backbone, whereas Express JS operates on top of it. On top of that, Angular JS integrates with Node JS, making it easier to provide data quickly. The scalability of Node.JS is its strongest selling feature.

Reasons to Choose MEAN Stack Development for Your Dream Project

MEAN provides a complete solution for building websites by incorporating the best aspects of their individual parts. The advantages of the MEAN stack and its components for web app development include the following:

MEAN stack development saves money

When you have a full-stack developer on the team, there is no need to bring in additional developers to handle the front end, back end, and database management. Because of this, the price of developing a web app is reduced because fewer people are needed. The MEAN stack is a free, open-source software collection that reduces development expenses.

JavaScript makes the entire development process more streamlined and comprehensive.

The programming language is used extensively in Mean Stack. There are fewer bugs when using the MEAN stack because the client and server languages are the same. One of Agular’s many benefits is that it encourages code reuse, which speeds up development.

Maintaining long-term health requires an engaged community.

JavaScript is a widely used programming language. Thus, it has a thriving community of programmers that help one another out with the common issues that arise while working with JavaScript. Trust the JavaScript community to help you out of a jam if you get stuck.

The MEAN stack allows for code reuse and portability.

With the MEAN stack, developers have a lot of leeways because it is simple to transition between different programming languages. You can quickly transition between the two languages without introducing additional complexities to your project; for example, if you began coding in Node.js but realized that AngularJS would have been a better alternative.

Simple examinations

As a bonus, the MEAN stack and its constituent parts make it simple to do cloud-based application testing. With complete cluster support and automatic replication in the cloud, MongoDB is made for this exact scenario, letting you add any extra data you need.

The MEAN stack is an efficient tool for reducing development time.

The MEAN stack is a fast framework because of its non-blocking design. The MEAN stack is bolstered by Agular’s metastability and ease of maintenance.


Now that the foundations of the MEAN stack framework have been examined, company leaders have a better idea of the platform’s capabilities for future endeavors. The MEAN stack architecture, comprised of the JavaScript-based components MongoDB, Express JS, Angular JS, and Node.js, is a fantastic choice for web and app development, particularly for small and medium-scale cloud solutions.

However, the success of your MEAN project hinges entirely on the skillset of the professionals you bring in to work on it. You should hire mean stack developers who have made a name for themselves in the field of MEAN stack development.



Steve Johnson
Writer for

Hi, My name is Steve Johnson. I am a Digital Marketing Executive working at Jumpgrowth. JumpGrowth is leading global web & mobile app development company.