Reasons You Should Outsource ADAS Data Annotation Services

Gaurav Sharma
Published in
5 min readMay 2, 2022

The autonomous vehicles (AVs) market has exploded in recent years, as has public interest. Experts estimate that level 4 autonomous driving will be available in five to ten years, but that estimate is only realistic if automotive technology progresses rapidly and sustainably. Companies have implemented semi-autonomous adas advanced driver assistance system, or ADAS units, into current automobiles to boost public confidence and involvement.

Implementing adas advanced driver assistance systems as soon as possible should be one of the essential steps toward gaining broad adoption of fully autonomous vehicles in the future, as it is a means to build customer trust. According to a poll performed by AAA in 2016, 84 percent of those with lane-keeping systems in their vehicles trust the technology, compared to only 50 percent of those who don’t.

The worldwide adas advanced driver assistance system market was anticipated to be worth roughly 27.0 billion dollars in 2019 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 11.9 percent between 2020 and 2030. By 2030, the market would be worth a whopping 83.0 billion dollars.

Increased interest in adas vehicles, electric vehicles, innovative technology, and, most crucially, safety features are driving industry expansion. Today’s production level ADAS systems include parking assistance, tire pressure monitoring, and collision avoidance systems.

Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS)

Although today’s advanced driver assistance system ADAS cars are not yet regarded as a foregone conclusion, they are beneficial in various ways. They may be used to help drive a car, identify impediments, and make road steering decisions. They can also be employed as a “crash sensor,” detecting and controlling braking and steering in the event of a collision.

Onboard computers with advanced sensors that employ artificial intelligence offer all of these capabilities, which is why this technology is sometimes referred to as “artificial consciousness.”, thanks to adas data annotation.

Who’s doing ADAS data annotation?

Perception, navigation, and control are all calibrated in autonomous cars. These self-driving cars may move deliberately in their egomotion and according to the elements in their surroundings thanks to high definition or HD maps.

The High Definition of HD maps, which are made up of road topology, road centerline geometry, and road-level features, enable real-time data processing, allowing cars to drive with control for road autonomy.

For a mesh of DNN and AI utilized in autonomous driving mechanisms worldwide, firms like Cogito provide adas data annotation and data labeling services for HD maps and Lidar annotated data. Interestingly, several other sectors and companies require these services:

  • Car manufacturers are doing it.
  • Manufacturers of automotive parts and software are doing it.
  • Tech companies are doing it.
  • Auto insurance companies are doing it.
  • And, of course, other types of companies you might not expect are doing it, too!

ADAS data annotation services

ADAS data annotation is the process of labeling objects in ADAS imagery.

This information is used to train autonomous cars and computer vision models, allowing them to comprehend and make judgments in their environment.

ADAS technology is intended to aid drivers with lane-keeping, cruise control, and parking assistance. Consider lane departure warning systems, for example. These ADAS are designed to warn drivers if they deviate out of their lane without utilizing their turn signals.

This is made feasible by data annotation for lane recognition, which marks up instances of lanes so that a machine learning model can learn what a street looks like, understand where it’s located on the road, and recognize when a car has passed into another lane without blinking.

ADAS Data annotation is a must for vehicle safety improvement

For adas vehicle safety enhancement, ADAS data annotation is required. Autonomous cars rely heavily on training data (AVs). The training data must be annotated to ensure that the AV is safe and dependable. Annotated training data enhances machine learning models and improves overall system performance.

Annotating Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) data is complicated and time-consuming. It should be carried out by experts knowledgeable about ADAS sensors, autonomous driving technology, machine learning techniques, and their application to autonomous driving systems. It necessitates specific technologies that allow for quick manual labeling and automation using active learning approaches to speed up the labeling process and save money.

Why outsource your ADAS Annotation work?

The most valuable asset required for autonomous vehicle training and validation is a large volume of rich and diverse tagged data. Ground truth annotation is gathering information about a specific site in order to match picture data to reality on the ground.

This annotated data aids in the thorough training and validation of perception and prediction algorithms. Ground truth labeling assists autonomous vehicles with annotating urban settings, highway surroundings, road markings and signboards, and various weather conditions, allowing them to learn and identify moving things more effectively.

When data annotation firms get their clients’ driving data, they supply data annotation tools and computer vision tasks. Images and video annotation, LiDAR point cloud annotation, Sensor fusion annotation, and semantic segmentation are the four main tasks these systems perform. Most data annotation firms offer APIs via which consumers input raw data, and service providers can execute annotation activities with their tools.

There are several reasons why one should outsource ADAS annotation services with Cogito. Let’s have a look at some of the most common reasons:

Services of Excellent Quality

As you can see, pricing is a significant consideration when outsourcing data annotation services. Firms like Cogito and Anolytics can provide high-quality data annotation at flexible prices.

Infrastructure And Technology At Its Finest

Data annotation companies are sophisticated and contemporary with cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and robotics technologies. You receive the most up-to-date and advanced software technologies and bespoke data annotation services.


Companies like Cogito and specialize in annotating images for model training for self-driving automobiles and autonomous vehicles. They specialize in producing high-quality computer vision training data with the highest accuracy at an affordable price. It has well-trained annotators who use accurate annotation techniques to label the images.



Gaurav Sharma
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