Regression for Predictive Analytics

Finding the trend for Business

Sarah Mason


Photo by Franki Chamaki on Unsplash

Predictive Analysis adapts variety of statistical techniques from data mining, predictive modelling, and machine learning that analyze current and historical data to make predictions about future or otherwise unknown events. This type of analysis uses a pool of stored information to generate trends and forecasting to understand “what happens next”. Understanding future behaviors and data trends allows for a reliable and repeatable was to engage and plan for work, home, or school.

How to use Predictive Analysis

There are several methods for predictive analysis. All ways to generate predictions of future behaviors require a pool of past or current data. Using predictive modeling and data mining among other techniques, proper trends can be generated. The current top method for predictive analysis is regression. Any model that creates a trend line for estimation based on data stored in a newtwork is a good choice for analysis. Linear regression is the most used predictive analysis method. Excel with a sample dataset are used to show predictive analysis with linear regression.

The benefit of regression analysis is that it can be used to understand all kinds of patterns that occur in…



Sarah Mason
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