Android Apps: The Power of Video Integration

Adi Mizrahi
Published in
6 min readOct 15, 2023
Photo by Angela Compagnone on Unsplash


In the ever-evolving realm of mobile technology, it’s evident that video content has assumed a central role. Mobile devices have become our primary screens for video consumption, be it for entertainment, learning, or communication. This blog post will take you on a journey through the remarkable surge of mobile video in recent years, delve into the challenges of integrating a video player, explore key considerations for incorporating video experiences in your Android apps, and then provide a technical guide on implementing video playback in your Android app using the cloudinary_android SDK and our convenient CLDVideoPlayer class.

The Mobile Video Revolution

It’s no longer a secret that video content significantly boosts online user engagement and conversion rates. According to the Content Marketing Institute, video stands as the top content format used by brands to create awareness, sell products or services, and foster consumer trust.

From a consumer standpoint, with the widespread availability of smartphones and the ever-expanding reach of high-speed 5G internet, people dedicate a substantial portion of their screen time to mobile devices. Moreover, a staggering 90% of this mobile screen time is devoted to using apps (source).

The fusion of video and mobile apps is a perfect match. Brands have adopted various strategies to integrate video experiences into their Android apps:

  1. Product Demonstrations: Shopping apps frequently employ video to exhibit products and emphasize their key advantages or essential features, ultimately boosting sales conversions.
  2. How-to Guides: Service-oriented or customer support apps utilize videos to explain how to use a product in daily life or offer troubleshooting guidance. This enhances customer experience and retention.
  3. User-generated Content: User-generated video reviews are an effective way to cultivate customer trust and loyalty. Mobile apps streamline the process for consumers to record and upload reviews for products, restaurants, or tourist destinations.
  4. Tutorials: Brands in the fitness and education industries are increasingly turning to video to deliver on-demand tutorials and live classes via mobile apps.

Why is Video So important?

Incorporating video content into your app can significantly enhance user education and communication. Whether your app serves as an e-learning platform, a communication tool, or a customer support hub, video can play a pivotal role in conveying information effectively. Here’s why it matters:

  1. Visual Clarity: Video is a powerful medium for explaining complex concepts or demonstrating processes. Users often find it easier to grasp information when presented visually, making it ideal for tutorials, educational content, or product demonstrations within your app.
  2. Personal Connection: Video fosters a sense of personal connection. When users see a real person explaining something or delivering a message, it can create a stronger emotional bond. This is particularly important in apps that aim to establish trust, provide personalized guidance, or offer human-centric experiences.
  3. Real-Time Interaction: Live streaming and video calls enable real-time interaction between users and app creators or customer support teams. This feature is invaluable for addressing user queries, resolving issues, and providing personalized assistance, enhancing the overall user experience.
  4. Storytelling: Video: allows you to tell stories effectively. Whether it’s showcasing the journey of your app, sharing user success stories, or conveying your brand’s values, storytelling through video can engage users on a deeper level and create a lasting impression.
  5. Language Accessibility: Video content can be easily localized and translated, making it accessible to a global audience. This is crucial for apps with a diverse user base, as it ensures that language barriers don’t hinder users from accessing essential information or enjoying your app’s content.
  6. Engagement Analytics: Videos often come with built-in analytics tools that allow you to track user engagement and interaction. By analyzing how users interact with your video content, you can gain valuable insig

Challenges in Video Integration

While integrating video playback into Android apps is an exciting endeavor, it comes with its own set of challenges. Here, we’ll explore some of the primary hurdles that Android developers often face:

  1. Device Diversity: Android devices come in various models and screen sizes. Ensuring seamless video player performance across this diverse landscape can be a formidable task. Developers must optimize video player layouts and controls to accommodate different screen sizes and resolutions.
  2. Network Variability: Mobile users can connect under diverse network conditions, ranging from high-speed Wi-Fi to sluggish 3G connections. To provide a smooth video experience, developers must implement adaptive streaming and gracefully handle network disruptions.
  3. Video Formats: Supporting a wide range of video formats can be complex, especially when dealing with diverse source materials. Developers need to consider format conversion, transcoding, or utilizing versatile codecs to ensure compatibility.
  4. Cross-Platform Consistency: If you aim to make your app available on both Android and iOS, you may encounter challenges in maintaining a consistent video experience across different platforms.
  5. Performance Optimization: Ensuring that the video player remains resource-efficient, does not drain the device’s battery, and performs well under various conditions is an ongoing task.

Technical Deep Dive

Now, let’s transition our attention to the technical side of things. If you happen to be an Android developer aiming to smoothly incorporate video playback into your app, rest assured that we have a solution for you. Introducing the CLDVideoPlayer class, a feature within the cloudinary_android SDK that will streamline the process.

Step 1: Installation

Begin by integrating the cloudinary_android SDK into your Android project through Gradle:

implementation 'com.cloudinary:cloudinary-android:2.4.0'

Or Maven:


Step 2: Initialize Cloudinary

Set up your Cloudinary account and initialize it in your app. You’ll need only your cloud name.

 Map config = new HashMap();
config.put("cloud_name", "<your_cloudname>");
MediaManager.init(this, config);

Step 3: Create CLDVideoPlayer

Now, let’s create an instance of CLDVideoPlayer and set it publicIdto the video you want to play, the first parameter we’re sending is the context.

CldVideoPlayer player = new CldVideoPlayer(this, "<your_public_id>");

You can also add transformations easily to adjust the video on the fly, without the need for graphic designers and fancy editing tools, all the information about video transformations can be found here.

CldVideoPlayer player = new CldVideoPlayer(this, "<your_public_id>", new Transformation().effect("reverse"));

Or you can just send a URL.

CldVideoPlayer player = new CldVideoPlayer(this,"<your_url>");

Step 4: Display the Video

Now that we have the player initialized we want to show it on screen.


Since our CldVidePlayer is a wrapper around ExoPlayer we’re going to need to call getPlayer() to actually get the video player.

Step 5: Video Action

To play the video you can just call the play()function.


You can also call various other actions such as pause() , stop() .

And that’s it! You’ve successfully integrated video playback into your Android app using the cloudinary_android SDK and the CLDVideoPlayer class.


Adaptive Bit Rate

By default, the CLDVideoPlayer operates with an Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR) mechanism, which means it automatically receives a manifest file in the form of a .m3u8 file and select the most suitable playback link for your video.

If you wish to explicitly disable the ABR feature, you can achieve this by setting the automaticStreamingProfile flag to false. This gives you control over the adaptive streaming behavior of the video player and allows you to fine-tune your video playback experience.

CldVideoPlayer player = new CldVideoPlayer(this, "<your_public_id>", new Transformation().effect("reverse"), false);


You can also combine video transformations such as trim, overlay images, normalize audio, and more with the automatic streaming profile. However, these transformations must be applied in a chained manner. Learn more here.

Automatic Subtitles

If subtitles are enabled via URL that’ll be automatically played by the player.
The following link will play a video with English subtitles.

CldVideoPlayer player = new CldVideoPlayer(this, Uri.parse(";file_docs:narration.vtt)/docs/car-film.m3u8"));


The surge in mobile video consumption has been nothing short of remarkable, and social networks have been pivotal in driving this trend. As an Android developer, you possess the capability to leverage this phenomenon by effortlessly embedding video playback functionality into your applications. Thanks to the CLDVideoPlayer class found within the cloudinary_android SDK, you can offer your users a captivating and immersive video experience, ensuring they return to your app time and again. Don’t miss out on the mobile video revolution — use it to elevate your Android app to new heights!

