Running Your Own Docker Container Registry Made Easy

Aaron Berry
Published in
6 min readAug 19, 2021


This article will cover how you can easily set up a local or externally accessible Docker registry for hosting your own built Docker images.

I have recently gone from running the most minimal HTTP version of the registry on my machine to support my local docker image development workflows to running my own private docker registry available to private and public hosts with access control. I’ll run you through all the steps and gotchas so you can set up whatever kind of registry you need as it’s become a key part of my Dev Ops infrastructure and probably will be for you as well when you see how easy it is.

Running a Docker registry

You can start with running the provider docker registry image from Docker co for a minimal Docker registry setup. This will start an HTTP version of the server without access control accessible on port 5000.

$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 — name registry registry:latest

Once the registry image has been pulled and is up and running on your machine, you are ready to push your built images to it. Prefix your image tag with your host and port localhost:5000 whenever you tag or push to that registry.

$ docker pull ubuntu
$ docker image tag ubuntu localhost:5000/ubuntu-local
$ docker push…



Aaron Berry
Writer for

Software Engineer working in Data Engineer and DevOps. Tinkering with anything automation, containers and servers in the cloud.