Sacrifices We’ve Made Pursuing a Convenient Future

What are we willing to trade for this technological crusade

Evan Deubner


Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash

Humanity has been cracking riddles of advancement since discovering sticks. Which might seem like a trivial advancement but imagine when fire first came out.

Technological advancement has increased exponentially to where we no longer have time to forget about things we’ve replaced.

My Dad used to talk about 8-track players and not having television. Two things I couldn’t wrap my head around because I was so far removed from that era. When I talk to my son about how we didn’t have Netflix so we rented movies at Blockbuster, he says “Oh yea, I remember that.

Our nostalgia is being replaced by lingering doubt that we may have made a mistake going down this road. These advancements aren’t just upgraded devices we continue using the same way. We’re experiencing a complete shift in our culture each time new technology becomes the norm.

The only other things I can think of that cause this much change in that many people so quickly is War and Natural Disasters.

We’re past rolling any of this back. The only way things will change is by rolling the dice on technological progress and pray it doesn’t come up Facebook+.



Evan Deubner
Writer for

Striving to achieve impossible things, because impossible things are all I have left to achieve