Salary of a Microsoft Big Data Engineer

What do you need for working at Microsoft and what can you earn?



Photo by Joseph Barrientos on Unsplash

It is commonly known that bigger tech companies such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon are paying their employees a respectable salary. Does this also apply to a Big Data Engineer at Microsoft? Let’s take a look at what they need to bring to the table and what they can expect salary-wise in return.

Applicants should bring certain skills when they want to work in a big tech company such as Microsoft. They can expect requirements such as the following [1]:

7+ years of experience with SQL

5+ years of experience with Python

2+ years of experience with Graph databases

2+ years of experience with Big Data or Hyper Scale processing offering in Azure

2+ years of experience in big data platforms and tools (Hadoop, Hive, Spark, Kafka).

While the criteria just mentioned were taken from a job posting for a “regular” Data Engineer at Microsoft, you can expect that a Big Data Engineer should also have these qualifications. In addition, the person would also need to demonstrate qualifications in building platform and pipelines also suitable for Big Data.



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