Samsung VS Apple — The Ultimate Showdown 2022

Josh G
Published in
10 min readMay 17, 2022
Apple VS Samsung Poster

One thing that has been bugging people for too long now is whether Samsung or Apple is better. This article will compare every aspect of the two companies and put them together. From the phone quality, to customer service, to the better looking logo and slogan — This is the Ultimate Showdown 2022. Please note that I have no favourite, I think they are both pretty good.

The aspects I will be talking about in this article are here:

  • Phone Price
  • Phone Quality (Including Durability)
  • Phone Battery
  • Operating System Support
  • Phone Camera Quality and Features
  • Easier to Use Operating System
  • Customer Service Quality
  • Physical Phone Customisation
  • Look of Logo
  • Advertisement Quality
  • Slogan Strength
  • Compatibility with Computers

So now that I have that long list out of the way, lets move on to the good stuff. Another thing I wanted to add in, I am comparing the latest flagship phones in this article (Iphone 13 and S22 Ultra). Anyway, first up — Phone Price.

1 — Phone Price — Score: Apple(0)–Samsung(0)

Now both phones are pretty expensive if you ask me, but as some stores give discounts, I will be using the official Samsung and apple websites and if there are any discounts there, they count. The storage will be set a 128GB and the Colour will be Graphite. Now in Australian Dollars the Iphone 13 Pro costs $1699 New. The S22 Ultra costs $1,849. This means apples phone is cheaper, by $150 Australia Dollars. So apple wins this one. But Sometimes the price doesn’t mean everything, the quality could be heavily in Apple or Samsung’s favour. 1:0

2 — Phone Quality — Score: Apple(1) — Samsung(0)

Now It took me a while to figure out how to fairly judge this, but I had a really good Idea. I wrote a list of separate components that address durability and then found studies and experiments run by other people which I then took into this article. Here are a few of the points I brainstormed:

  • Screen Scratch Resistance
  • Back Cover Scratch Resistance
  • Height Dropped before broken/cracked

2a) Screen Scratch Resistance:

For apples side, I researched the type of glass apple used for their screen, found that here[1]. By the way, all references will be at the end of the article. This website said that apple called it the Ceramic Shield. Now to fully understand what this is, I read an article here[2] and this really clearly defined what it is. And then I found out what hardness level it is here[3](I know this website says that it’s the iPhone 12 but apparently the screens are the same — I found that here[4]). So the iPhone’s Screen is made of Ceramic Shield glass and has a Moh’s Hardness level of 6, with grooves developing at 7.

For Samsung I found out the scratches where appearing at 6, which means that S22 Ultra has a Moh’s Hardness Level of 5. I found that information here[5]. So basically The screen is a Moh’s Hardness level of 5, and small scratches started appearing at 6.

To summarise this part, Apple finished with a level of 6 and Samsung with a level of 5 — Which means I have to give this subsection to apple. 1:0

2b) Back Cover Scratch Resistant:

To find this out, I did something very similar to the above. I found out the material and then the Moh’s hardness level of that. For apple the Iphone 13 is made of aluminium(Found that here[6]), however the back is coated in the same glass as the front!(Found that here[7]) and the S22 is the same! (Reference here[8]) So we already have the scratch resistance of Samsung, Moh’s Level 5. And for apple aluminium is 2.5–3(found that here[9]), but because they put the glass back on, it turns into 6 (same as screen).

To conclude this subsection, The Back hardness in Moh’s Scale form for the Iphone 13 is 6, and the S22 Ultra is 5. So the winner of this part is Apple! 2:0

2c) Height dropped before broken or cracked:

I did some research and found out that the iPhone 13 can survive 6 feet drop onto side walk.(Reference here[10]) And the S22 can survive 2 meters (Or 6.5 feet) according to here[11]. So the S22 wins this subsection bringing the score to 2:1

2d) Conclude:

The final sub-score we achieved was 2 to apple and 1 to Samsung, so that means that apple has again snatched this section. This brings up the score to Apple(2) — Samsung(0)

3 — Phone Battery — Score: Apple(2) — Samsung(0)

For this section, I will compare the power of the battery, and how long it lasts — Because even if the battery capacity is the same, the operating system might be using up excessive amounts of power changing the meaning of this figure. I will also talk about charging speed.

The iPhone 13 is said to have a ridiculous 19 hours (here[12]) of constant video playback, however only 7.5 (here[13]) for the S22. This is a crazy difference of 12.5 hours. 62 minutes to fully charge the S22 (here[14]), and 90 minutes for the iPhone 13 (here[15]) with the same wattage! But Samsung still doesn’t make up for itself here, the iPhone requires 30 mins more charging for 12.5 hours more run time! I think the iPhone wins this section by a milestone, so 3:0 to apple.

4 — Operating System Support — Score: Apple(3):Samsung(0)

Operating system support is how long the phone manufacturer will send updates to the phone after it’s initial release. The guaranteed support time for the S22 is 4 years (here[16]) and for the iPhone 13 it’s 7 years (here[17]) so again, apple wins this section, bringing the score to 4:0.

5 — Phone Camera Quality — Score: Apple(4):Samsung(0)

In this section I will compare the following:

  • Back Camera Quality
  • Front Camera Quality
  • Back Camera FPS
  • Front Camera FPS
  • Torch Power
  • Zoom Distance

This sub-section will also have a sub-score to determine the overall winner at the end. Lets start…

5a) Back Camera Quality:

The S22’s camera quality on the back camera (main camera) is 108MP (which is honestly ridiculous, find it here[18]) and the iPhone 13 has 12MP (here[19]) so Samsung has to win this sub-section. 0:1 to Samsung.

5b) Front Camera Quality:

Samsung also rocks this category with a 40MP selfie camera (here[20]). Against the iPhone’s 12MP front camera it’s clear who also wins this sub-category, 0:2 to Samsung.

5c) Back Camera FPS:

Here is where iPhone starts competing. The S22 can capture 4K60 on the main camera, and also 8K24 (here[21]), and the iPhone 13 produces 4K60 at Max (here[22]). So the only thing I have to decide a winner, is the fact that the S22 can capture 8K24, so — sorry iPhone but this one goes to Samsung. 0:3.

5d) Front Camera FPS:

iPhone can do 1080p30 in this field (here[23]) and the S22…4K60 (here[24]), same as the main camera. This sub-section is clearly going to Samsung, no further said. 0:4.

5e) Torch Power:

I couldn’t find any information on the luminescence of the S22 Ultra or the iPhone 13 Pro Max Flash light. If you have any information on this, please comment it as it would really help.

5f) Zoom Distance:

The S22 Ultra can zoom 30x (here[25]), and the iPhone 13 Pro Max can zoom 3x (here[26]). So I think this sub-section goes to Samsung again. 0:5

5g) Conclusion:

So with 0:5 in the Camera section, I have to give this part to Samsung, bringing the main score up to 4:1 to apple.

6 — Easier to Use Operating System — Score: Apple(4):Samsung(1)

According to this survey[27] IOS is a better operating system, and I don’t know how else to judge this section — So apple has this one, 5:1.

7 — Customer Service Quality — Score: Apple(5):Samsung(1)

Now for this one, I am going to again go to a customer survey because even If I tested it, there wouldn’t be sufficient data to make sure who wins. I had a look at this survey[28] on Quora and I found most of the comments were in favour of apple, so this section goes to them. 6:1.

8 — Physical Phone Customisation — Score: Apple(6):Samsung(1)

This section will be split into several sections too:

  • Phone Colours
  • Phone Storage
  • Phone RAM

8a) Phone Colours:

When buying from the official apple site, there are 5 Colour Options for the iPhone 13 Pro Max. And when doing the same with Samsung’s S22 Ultra, there are 7 colours. Which gives this sub-section to Samsung. 0:1.

8b) Phone Storage:

For the iPhone 13 Pro Max, there are 4 options for storage and the same with Samsung's S22 Ultra. So, this section is a tie, and the score stays at 0:1.

8c) Phone Ram:

S22 Ultra can be bought in 8GB, or 12GB of RAM. The iPhone 13 can be bought in only 6GB of RAM. So, this sub-section also goes to Samsung. 0:2.

8d) Conclusion:

The final score on this section was 0:2, to Samsung. Which means they win this part! This brings the Overall score to 6:2. For this section the only references are the official Samsung and Apple sites. You can find them here[29] and here[30].

9 — Look of Logo— Score: Apple(6):Samsung(2)

Now here are the apple and Samsung logo’s before we start to jog your memory:

Apple Logo
Apple Logo
Samsung Logo
Samsung Logo

I think both logos are very simplistic, which doesn’t give me much to judge on. The apple logo is an actual illustration, and the Samsung logo is just text. I think that this section goes to apple, because it is an illustration but still represents their company and is recognisable. The main score is now 7:2.

10 — Advertisement Quality — Score: Apple(7):Samsung(2)

This is going to be judged off the latest advertisement by both Apple and Samsung for the S22 Ultra and the iPhone 13 Pro Max. Here they are:

I think both advertisements are good. However, I’m going to give the point to Samsung because it showcases the product more. Apple’s advert was just boasting the new green colour and trying to influence the user into thinking that is somehow related to nature, however Samsung’s addressed the new features of the phone and showcased them in action. So again, this one’s to Samsung bringing the score to 7:3.

11 — Slogan Strength — Score: Apple(7):Samsung(3)

The slogans for the companies are:

Apple: Think Different (here[31])

Samsung: Inspire the World, Create the future (here[32])

I think these are both very good catchy tag lines. Apple’s is shorter and more specific, however Samsung’s is really deep. So, I’m going to give this section a tie, leaving the score at 7:3.

12— Compatibility with Computers— Score: Apple(7):Samsung(3)

This is the final section to determine whether Samsung can get one last point, to bring their score up a bit — or Apple can secure even more of a win. Let’s find out…

Compatibility with computers is how well the phones link with computers. From what I have found, Android only connects with Windows, and iPhone only with Mac. So let’s look at how well they both connect and finish off this article!

Android can connect to Windows using ‘Phone Link[33]’. This program allows you to view Notifications, Messages, and Take Calls. It also allows remote connection to phone, so you can use your phone on your computer! You can respond to most notifications and send messages to anyone as well as call anyone. You can also send links to Windows, and View all photos on your phone — on Windows!

iOS can connect to Mac using ‘Continuity[34]’. This app does everything that Phone Link does except remotely connect to your phone. So this section must go to Samsung and Windows with their ‘Phone Link app[35]’ bringing the final score to Apple 7 and Samsung 4!

Conclusion — Score: Apple(7):Samsung(4)

The final winner is Apple beating Samsung by three points. Here are the results from all categories and their winners.

  • Phone Price — Apple 1:0
  • Phone Quality (Including Durability) — Apple 2:0
  • Phone Battery — Apple 3:0
  • Operating System Support — Apple 4:0
  • Phone Camera Quality and Features — Samsung 4:1
  • Easier to Use Operating System — Apple 5:1
  • Customer Service Quality — Apple 6:1
  • Physical Phone Customisation — Samsung 6:2
  • Look of Logo — Apple 7:2
  • Advertisement Quality — Samsung 7:3
  • Slogan Strength — Tie 7:3
  • Compatibility with Computers — Samsung 7:4

So, Congratulations Apple, you seem to have won this one, but nothings to say Samsung will come back with their new Flagship phone. Please send me a message if there are any errors in this article, as it would help. And also, please follow as I will be releasing new content soon. Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of your day… Bye 👋.

If you want the references, they are below:




Josh G
Writer for

A programmer hobbyist, who just writes articles for fun.