Satellite Connection Of iPhones 14

Summary of basic information

Jakub Jirak


Apple has introduced its 14 iPhones with a unique, unique and long-speculated emergency SOS feature that communicates via satellites rather than a traditional carrier network and Wi-Fi connection. But how does it all work?

Source: Apple Keynote

How it works

Satellite connectivity with 14 iPhones will be available when you’re out of range of Wi-Fi or cellular networks and need to send an emergency message. However, Apple noted with the feature that it was developed for use in open spaces with a clear view of the sky, so typically vast deserts and bodies of water. Connection performance may be affected by cloudy skies and trees but possibly also mountains.

Source: Apple Keynote

Access to the connection

Of course, the satellite connection function requires you to connect to one. The iPhone displays a search when you launch the app, where you use your rotation to pinpoint the nearest one and select it.

Source: Apple Keynote

Communication options

The function is not for making phone calls but only for sending emergency SOS messages. It doesn’t even allow you to exchange love correspondence or ask what’s for dinner when you get home. The app will present you with a series of questions to answer before sending a message to assess your situation. This information will be sent to the emergency services once your satellite connection is active.

Source: Apple Keynote

Apple has created a unique compression algorithm that makes messages three times smaller to make communication as fast as possible. It states that if you have a clear view of the sky, the message should be sent within 15 seconds, but if something obstructs your view, it could take several minutes.

Collision, crash and Find detection

The 14 iPhones have a new accelerometer and gyroscope that can detect traffic accidents and crashes by measuring the force of G. The Crash Detection feature is linked to an emergency satellite, which sends a request for help. You can even share your location via satellite connection if you’re out of coverage and Wi-Fi range, typically if you’re heading somewhere truly “wild”.

Source: Apple Keynote


Apple has partnered with Globalstar on the satellite connectivity feature, which will become Apple’s official satellite operator, allocating 85% of its current and future network capacity to support its currently new and, of course, all future iPhones.

The company agreement also states that Globalstar will provide and maintain all resources, including personnel, software, satellite systems and more, and will maintain minimum quality and coverage standards.

Reference: link

Price and availability

Apple did not provide pricing information but mentioned that all iPhone 14 owners would get two years of free satellite connectivity. At least all users in the US and Canada. However, it’s true that this also applies to us if we travel to those locations with our iPhone 14 and don’t buy it in China, as emergency satellite calling isn’t supported there.

However, Apple adds that SOS via satellite may not work in places above 62° latitude, such as northern parts of Canada and Alaska. The feature itself is expected to launch in November this year.

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Jakub Jirak
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