So… Godot VS Unity?
Find out which engine is best for you!
👁 A quick overview
Nowadays, Unity is one of the big names in the video game industry. Since its first release in 2005, it has grown and gradually accumulated an amazing sum of technologies that now make it a superb tool for creating all kinds of games. From 2D to 3D, and mobile to high-end consoles and even web, the engine supports a wide variety of applications and offers an insane amount of features.
But of course, following Unity’s debacle around the Runtime Fee announcement last September (in 2023), the game making ecosystem has changed a lot, and another name has started to rise from the (semi-)shadows…
Godot, was kind of the outsider that had slowly been making its way in the hearts of the game devs, especially in the indie community, for a years. But last September was a key moment in its history, as it got revealed to a broad audience as an interesting, powerful and open-source alternative to Unity (or Unreal Engine, for that matter).
(Which meant that no one could suddenly decide to change the terms of use…)