Soft Skills Which Are Essential For IT Workers

Today, disputes about the importance of hard skills over soft ones do not stop, because by and large — why does a programmer need to communicate with someone if he can get a good job with a decent salary and, sitting at home, complete projects?

Gil Mahesh


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

The predominant number of employees in various fields believe that success in their activities, and, accordingly, wages, depend on professionalism, experience, and skills. Of course, if a person is well versed in his business, his work is appreciated, and this is a big plus for any company. However, it is additionally worth highlighting soft and hard skills. They will be required to become successful in any profession, not only in IT. Hard skills — professional skills, knowledge, and skills in their specialty (programmers must know the code and write it to create various projects, and UX and UI are necessary for web designers). Soft skills are universal capabilities that manifest themselves in the additional ability to do something better than others and work in a team at the highest level. It also includes communication skills, excellent memory, mindfulness, and more. Of course, it is important to master both skills, which will allow you to achieve the best…



Gil Mahesh
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Awesome entrepreneur, successful writer, and just a good person.