Cover Your Bases

Software Engineering Done Right — s01e03



Have you ever come across a software engineer who had such confidence in the quality of their work, that they would allow you to use it? And did they seem to be worried at all about you using it? There is a breed of software engineers that is rightfully confident about how good their software is. These are not the arrogant coders that think that testing is for those without confidence in their ability, these are the engineers that are confident that their software can withstand any form of testing.

Unless you are never going to release your software, your software is bound to be tested. Either by yourself, by some tools, by test engineers or by the most enigmatic group of the human population: Users. Users are the worst, because they cannot be controlled, and they are a critical success factor. Users are what the vocation of software engineering is all about. Arguably, one of the key indicators of software quality is the quality of the tests that the software is subjected to. Still, no matter who tests your software or how good your tests are, it will always be the case that bugs are mostly found in those parts of your application that were not tested. So how do we ensure that we’ve got all the bases covered?

Code Coverage — The Theoretical



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Some people see things and ask ‘Why?’ I dream of things and ask ‘Why not?’