Spring Boot Microservices Coding Style Guidelines and Best Practices

Wenqi Glantz
Published in
22 min readSep 7, 2021


Photo by Wenqi at Worlds End State Park

Through working with Spring Boot microservices over the years, I have compiled a list of coding style guidelines and best practices. This list is not comprehensive at all, but I hope you may find a point or two as takeaway, whether you are a new or seasoned Spring Boot microservices developer.

· 1. Modular Project Structure
· 2. Project Dependency Standards
· 3. Logging Rules
· 4. Configure JSON Logging with Logback
· 5. Auto-configuration
· 6. Keep Controllers Simple and Clean
· 7. Focus Services on Business Logic
· 8. Favor Constructor Injection Instead of @Autowired
· 9. Global Exception Handling
· 10. Open API Specification Code Documentation
· 11. Optimize Swagger UI Look and Feel
· 12. Pagination and Sorting with Spring Data JPA
· 13. Bean Validations
· 14. External Config Inject at Runtime
· 15. Expose Health Check Endpoints
· 16. Extra Dependencies Overhead
· 17. Automate Dependency Upgrade
· 18. Use Lombok
· 19. Apply Checkstyle
· 20. Dapr for Event Driven Programming
· 21. Schema-Per-Service Database Design
· 22. Liquibase for Database Schema Change Management
· 23. Resilience4j for Circuit Breaker
· 24. Backend for Frontend (BFF) as API Gateway
· 25. Pact for Consumer Driven Contract Testing
· 26. JUnit 5 for Unit Test
· 27. Cucumber for Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
· 28. JaCoCo for Test Coverage
· 29. Automate

