Price Predictions with Machine Learning: How to Approach Building “the Model”

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18 min readMar 31, 2022


It is no secret that the financial market can be a volatile place. What goes up, often comes down — and vice versa. This unpredictability is what has led many investors to seek out ways to predict stock and crypto prices using machine learning.

Predictive modelling allows you to analyze past data in order to better understand how a particular asset will perform in the future.

In this blog post, we will discuss how you can use machine learning algorithms to predict stock and crypto prices — and potentially make some significant profits!

Important Consideration

I’m not going into specifics about who to develop a prediction tool in this blog. This is more about how to apply and approach machine learning as a method for predicting market prices of various assets, such as stocks and cryptocurrencies.

Price prediction is difficult to do with machine learning, let alone manually, because the data set that needs to be analyzed is often times very large and changes rapidly. In order to make an accurate prediction, it’s important for the…




In a world where AI & I are BFFs, Im the one teaching robots to LOL.Current motto-To make bots laugh so hard they cant help reboot themselves( 404 errors).