Tailwind UI’s A Scam Part 2, Let’s Rewrite A Template!

Jason Knight
Published in
17 min readJul 12, 2022


As I said in the previous article, Failwind makes you write garbage bloated HTML, with accessibility and usability failings galore, relying on scripting for things that shouldn’t be scripted. None of the lies about how “great” it is hold even a shred of truth, and thus any time money changes hands for something built with it, it’s a scam.

I used TailwindUI’s “Salient” paid template as an example of this, showing some bloated code sections and what any sane/rational developer likely would/should have done instead.

But let’s really dig in and do a complete rewrite, just to compare how far — and close — they were to doing things “right.”

Live Demo:

This is my rewrite of the page:

As with all my examples the directory:

Is wide open for easy access to the gooey bits and pieces, and I dropped a .rar in there of the whole shebang.



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse