TailwindUI, And Here’s The Real Failwind Scam

Jason Knight
Published in
23 min readJul 7, 2022


Arsebreeze, Failwind, whatever you call it, it stinks.

I often refer to front-end frameworks — and don’t give me that “it’s not a framework’ bullshit about Failwind — as a scam. This is not entirely fair or accurate. In and of themselves they may be many things: Sloppy, wasteful, incompetently an ignorantly built; rooted in propaganda and echo-chambers to perpetuate the lies of how “great’ they are; flipping the bird at the very reason HTML exists and why CSS is separate from it; reeking of the creators of these systems not having learned enough HTML to flap their yap about front-end development.

But they are not in and of themselves scams as I’ve said in the past.

It’s What People Do With Them That’s The Scam!

Because they were built out of basic ignorance of using HTML and CSS properly; Because every claim of virtue or greatness is a bald faced lie; Because those who use them have been suckered, hoodwinked, and otherwise bamboozled? The moment money changes hands, that’s when it’s a scam.

Adam Wathan recently tweeted about how their new Tailwind CSS paid “templates” were featured on Product Hunt.



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse