Take MIT’s Bachelor’s of Computer Science Courses Free, Online

With links to a free Bachelor’s worth of courses.

Frederik Bussler
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2021


Photo by Timothy Kassis on Unsplash

MIT has a wealth of online courses, including virtually every course needed for its Bachelor’s of Computer Science degree.

These courses include the likes of Computation Structures, Introduction to Algorithms, Fundamentals of Programming, all the way to advanced courses like Machine Vision and AI.

Incredibly, these course are all available free on MIT OpenCourseWare — described as a “publication of virtually all MIT course content,” with a whopping 2,400 courses in the library.

Even though these courses are free and online, they’re no walk in the park. Especially for a whole Bachelor’s worth of courses. If you’re looking just to learn skills like AI, you can take this no-code AI crash course, or any specific course for the skills you’re looking for.

The Curriculum

I reviewed the curriculum for the traditional MIT Bachelor’s of Computer Science degree and linked it to all the corresponding OpenCourseWare courses. For those without a directly corresponding OCW course, I selected the most closely related course I could find.

