Tech Choices for Self-Hosting E-Mail

Taking Steps Towards Enhancing My Personal Life’s Privacy

Jeremy Cheng
Published in
5 min readMar 26, 2021


According to TechJury, as of 2020, GMail owns 43% of the e-mail services market share which equates to over 1.8 billion users. There’s a good reason for this as Google runs what’s questionably the best e-mail service out there with a long and distinguished list of associated integrated features that make all of our lives easier.

Part of the reason why I still recommend GMail to my friends and also GSuite (or Google Workspace… they keep changing names) to all of my clients is because there’s pretty much no way for anyone not dedicated to running e-mail services to even come close to Google given the inherited user familiarity, manageability, and deliverability of GMail. In fact, even someone like myself who started their career as an “E-Mail Administrator” have grown to become a long-time customer of GSuite because it really allows technical folks to focus on more important things than to troubleshoot and maintain an e-mail server which can be a tedious up-taking.

However, recently, I have been thinking about how I might potentially de-google a portion of my personal life by hosting my own e-mail and file sharing services once again in exchange for more flexibility and privacy; something I haven’t…

