Test Automation in your Browser. No local setup needed?

Dmitry Yarygin
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2022


Test Automation is one of the essential tasks of the QA Engineer now. But most of our current work involves preparing the environment and setting up tests complexly.

I was researching my options for running tests right in my browser without too much configuration effort. I immediately got the idea of the solution I could try after running GitHub CodeSpaces.

If you haven’t heard about it — you should try it. You no longer need your local development environment.

You could instead lend a separate Development environment from GitHub and run your tests there.
Let’s go ahead with a practical example, clone a test repository with sample tests, and run it into GitHub CodeSpaces.

Get the repository with Sample tests

Creating new repository on GitHub

You should start by creating a new repository where you would execute your tests on. Go to GitHub and create a new repository with the name that you like.

Next, we need to grab the tests from the TestCafe repository. Open this directory in your browser:



Dmitry Yarygin
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Nomad lifestyle writer. Passionate about breaking software— QA Engineer. My Travel & Tech YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/nomadicdmitry