Testing Laravel Applications with Dusk: A Complete Guide

Aaron Reddix
Published in
8 min readMay 9, 2024

Laravel has become a prominent choice for web development due to its expressive syntax, robust features, and vast ecosystem of tools. A crucial aspect of building high-quality web applications lies in thorough testing. Testing ensures that your application behaves as expected, catches regressions early in the development cycle, and fosters code maintainability.

While various testing approaches exist, browser automation testing offers a powerful way to simulate real user interactions and verify application functionality within a web browser.

Dusk is a built-in browser automation testing framework that seamlessly integrates with Laravel. It empowers you to write expressive tests that mimic user behavior in a web browser, streamlining the testing process for your Laravel applications. By leveraging Dusk, you can gain confidence in your application’s functionality, identify potential issues early on, and deliver a more robust user experience.

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Dusk testing for Laravel applications. We’ll explore setting up Dusk, crafting effective tests, utilizing advanced features, and integrating Dusk with your development workflow.

Setting Up Dusk for Testing

Having explored the advantages of Dusk for testing Laravel applications, let’s dive into the setup process. Fortunately, getting started with Dusk is straightforward and requires minimal configuration.


Before embarking on your Dusk testing journey, ensure you have the following in place:

  • PHP: Dusk requires a compatible version of PHP. You can verify your PHP version by running php -v in your terminal.
  • Composer: Composer is a dependency management tool widely used in PHP projects. If you don’t have Composer installed, follow the official installation guide to set it up.


Once you have the prerequisites covered, we can proceed with installation of Dusk using Composer. Navigate to your Laravel project’s root directory in your terminal and execute the following command:

This command instructs Composer to download and install the Dusk package along with its dependencies.

Browser Driver Configuration:

Dusk relies on a web browser driver to interact with the browser during tests. The most commonly used driver is ChromeDriver, which enables automation within Chrome. To download the appropriate ChromeDriver version compatible with your Chrome browser, visit the official ChromeDriver download page.

Once downloaded, extract the ChromeDriver executable and place it in a directory accessible by your system (e.g., /usr/local/bin on Linux/macOS or add it to your system’s PATH environment variable on Windows).

Environment Variables:

Dusk utilizes environment variables to store essential configuration details. Laravel provides a .env.dusk file specifically for Dusk testing. Copy this file to .env (or create a new .env file if it doesn’t exist) and define the following environment variables:

  • DUSK_DRIVER: Set this to the value “chrome” to indicate using ChromeDriver.
  • DUSK_HEADLESS: Set this to true if you prefer tests to run in headless mode (without a visible browser window).

Note: Never commit your .env file to version control systems as it may contain sensitive information.

Writing Dusk Tests

Now that Dusk is configured, let’s explore crafting effective tests to verify your Laravel application’s functionality. Dusk tests are written as PHP classes extending the DuskTestCase class provided by Laravel. These tests mimic user interactions within a web browser, allowing you to simulate real-world usage scenarios.

Test Structure:

A typical Dusk test follows a clear structure:

  1. Setup: This section involves any preparations needed before the test, like logging in a user or setting up test data.
  2. Test Steps: Here, you write code to interact with the browser using Dusk’s provided methods. These steps simulate user actions like visiting URLs, filling out forms, clicking buttons, and submitting data.
  3. Assertions: After performing actions, you use assertions to verify the expected outcome. Dusk offers various assertion methods to check for specific content, element visibility, or successful form submissions.

Here’s a basic example of a Dusk test that visits a login page, submits a login form, and asserts a successful login message:

In this example:

  • We extend the DuskTestCase class.
  • The testLogin method defines the actual test.
  • We use the browse method to interact with the browser within a closure.
  • Inside the closure, we use various Dusk methods to:
  • Visit the login page (visit).
  • Type email and password into form fields (type).
  • Click the login button (press).
  • Assert that the success message is visible (assertSee).

Available Methods:

Dusk provides a rich set of methods for interacting with the browser:

  • visit: Visits a specific URL.
  • type: Types text into a form element.
  • select: Selects an option from a dropdown menu.
  • attach: Attaches a file for upload.
  • click: Clicks a button or link.
  • press: Submits a form.
  • assertSee: Asserts that specific text is visible on the page.
  • assertDontSee: Asserts that specific text is not visible.
  • assertUrlIs: Asserts that the current URL matches a specific value.
  • And many more…

By combining these methods with assertions, you can create comprehensive tests that verify various aspects of your Laravel application’s behavior.

Advanced Dusk Testing Features

While the core functionalities of visiting URLs, interacting with forms, and asserting content provide a solid foundation for Dusk testing, Laravel offers additional features to empower you with even more control and flexibility during the testing process.

1. Database Migrations for Test Data:

Setting up appropriate test data is crucial for effective testing. Dusk leverages Laravel’s built-in database migrations to prepare your test environment. You can define test migrations alongside your regular application migrations to create or modify test data specifically for your Dusk tests. These test migrations are typically executed before each test to ensure a consistent starting point.

2. Interacting with JavaScript:

While Dusk primarily focuses on simulating user interactions within the browser, it also allows you to interact with JavaScript code running on the page. This can be helpful for scenarios where certain functionalities rely on JavaScript execution. Dusk provides methods like script to execute custom JavaScript code within the browser during your tests.

3. Logging, Screenshots, and Custom Assertions:

  • Logging: During test execution, Dusk offers the ability to log messages to the console using the log method. This can be valuable for debugging purposes, providing insights into the test’s execution flow.
  • Screenshots: Capturing screenshots at specific points in your tests can be helpful for visually inspecting the browser state and identifying potential issues. Dusk provides the screenshot method to capture screenshots and save them to your project directory.
  • Custom Assertions: While Dusk offers a variety of built-in assertions, you can also create custom assertions tailored to your specific testing needs. This allows you to verify more complex conditions within your tests.

Here’s an example showcasing some of these advanced features:

In this example:

  • We use script to manipulate a checkbox element using JavaScript.
  • We use attach to upload a test image for the product.
  • We capture a screenshot after successful product creation using screenshot.

4. Seeding Test Data:

In some scenarios, using database migrations might not be ideal for setting up test data. Dusk allows you to use Laravel’s seeder functionality to populate your database with test data specifically for your tests. This approach can be helpful for creating more complex test data configurations.

By leveraging these advanced features, you can write comprehensive and robust Dusk tests that cover a wider range of scenarios within your Laravel applications.

Running and Debugging Dusk Tests

Now that you’ve crafted your Dusk tests, let’s explore how to execute them and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Running Dusk Tests:

Dusk tests are run using Laravel’s Artisan CLI (Command-Line Interface). Navigate to your Laravel project’s terminal and execute the following command:

This command will initiate all Dusk tests within your project’s tests/Browser directory by default. Dusk will launch the configured web browser (usually Chrome) in headless mode (unless you disabled it in your environment variables) and execute your tests sequentially.

Viewing Test Results:

Once the tests are complete, Dusk will display a summary report in the terminal. This report indicates the number of passed, failed, and skipped tests, along with the execution time for each test.

Debugging Failing Tests:

If any of your tests fail, the report will provide details about the failure, including the error message and the line of code in your test that caused the issue. Here are some tips for debugging failing tests:

  • Review the error message: The error message often provides valuable clues about the source of the problem. Look for mentions of unexpected behavior, elements not found errors, or assertion failures.
  • Inspect the browser state: If the error seems related to browser interaction, consider enabling the browser window during test execution (remove DUSK_HEADLESS=true from your .env file). This allows you to visually inspect the browser state and identify any discrepancies.
  • Use browser developer tools: The browser’s developer tools can be invaluable for debugging. You can access them by pressing F12 (or similar) in the browser window during test execution. These tools allow you to examine the DOM (Document Object Model), network requests, and JavaScript console logs, which can provide insights into the issue.
  • Step through your test code: Use debugging techniques within your IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to step through your test code line by line. This allows you to inspect the state of variables and identify where the test might be going wrong.

By effectively utilizing these techniques, you can efficiently troubleshoot and fix failing Dusk tests, ensuring your test suite remains robust and reliable.

Integrating Dusk with CI/CD Pipelines

While not strictly necessary for basic testing workflows, integrating Dusk tests with your CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery) pipeline offers several advantages:

  • Automated Testing: By integrating your Dusk tests into your CI/CD pipeline, you can automatically run them on every code push or merge request. This ensures that regressions are caught early in the development cycle, improving code quality and reducing the risk of deploying broken code to production.
  • Faster Feedback: CI/CD pipelines typically provide fast feedback on test results. This allows developers to address any failing Dusk tests quickly, maintaining a smooth development process.
  • Improved Collaboration: Integration with CI/CD pipelines facilitates collaboration within development teams. Everyone can have visibility into the overall test suite’s health and identify potential issues early on.

Specific tools and configurations for integrating Dusk with CI/CD pipelines vary depending on your chosen CI/CD platform (e.g., Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, etc.). However, the general approach involves:

  1. Configuring your CI/CD platform to run the php artisan dusk command.
  2. Potentially adjusting environment variables or browser configuration within your CI/CD environment.
  3. Defining success or failure criteria based on the test results.

Note: Consult the documentation for your specific CI/CD platform for detailed instructions on integrating Dusk tests.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of Dusk testing for Laravel applications. We’ve covered setting up Dusk, crafting effective tests, utilizing advanced features, running and debugging tests, and even integrating them with CI/CD pipelines.

As you delve deeper into Laravel development, remember that Dusk is a valuable ally in your testing arsenal. Explore the Laravel documentation and community resources for further insights on Dusk functionalities and best practices. With a commitment to testing, you can build high-quality, well-tested Laravel applications that stand the test of time.



Aaron Reddix
Writer for

Web dev here, with a serious case of Flutter fever! Currently, exploring the exciting world of cross-platform development with Flutter.