Testing the data layer with Testcontainers

Using the Testcontainers is one of the ways to test your app’s data layer. Let’s see a basic example.

Luís Soares
3 min readJul 9, 2021


Before starting, let’s clear out two assumptions:

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

There are multiple techniques available to test your app’s data layer that I covered before:

Let’s focus on testing the data layer with a real database. To achieve it, we could launch the database outside the testing environment, but that requires external setup and deployment, whether by manually creating a database or using a Docker container. Additionally, having a database managed in test code promotes better data isolation.

Also, notice that we’ll unit-test the data layer, which means we won’t launch the whole app. Instead, we’ll isolate the data layer part to simplify the example, but this technique can be used regardless.

Let’s start by including the Testcontainers library in the build file:


Let’s say we needed wanted to test with MySQL Go to the homepage, and pick “MySQL Module” under the following menu option:

Copy the library declaration to your project’s build file:


We could have made it without this by building a generic container. The benefit is that now we’ll have a dedicated utility class tailored to our needs:

val dbServer = MySQLContainer<Nothing>("mysql")

This will spin up a MySQL instance in Docker, so ensure the Docker server is running, or you’ll get a “Could not find a valid Docker environment” error.

📝 We could use JUnit annotations to run this container, but I prefer making it explicit, as it’s almost the same amount of lines of code.

Now, you can connect to the container running (here using the Exposed library):

val database = Database.connect(
url = dbServer.jdbcUrl,
user = dbServer.username,
password = dbServer.password,
driver = dbServer.driverClassName,
val userRepository = MySqlUserRepository(database)

You’re now free to use that repository. I just created some tests with some assertions. You can assert using the SUT’s methods or peeking directly into the database, but that depends on your testing strategy.

At the end of the tests, don’t forget to stop the container:


Let’s see the complete example:

class MySqlUserRepositoryWithDockerTest {

private lateinit var dbServer: MySQLContainer<Nothing>
private lateinit var userRepository: UserRepository
private lateinit var database: Database

fun setup() {
dbServer = MySQLContainer<Nothing>("mysql")
database = Database.connect(
url = dbServer.jdbcUrl,
user = dbServer.username,
password = dbServer.password,
driver = dbServer.driverClassName,
userRepository = MySqlUserRepository(database)

fun `tear down`() {

fun `before each`() {
transaction(database) {
object : Table("users") {}.deleteAll()

fun `store a user`() {
val user = User("123".toUserId(), "l@x.y".toEmail(), "name", "password".toPassword())


assertEquals(listOf(user), userRepository.findAll())

fun `delete a user`() {
val user = User("123".toUserId(), "l@x.y".toEmail(), "name", "password".toPassword())



Also, check out an example of a full-stack test.

My advice is to don’t add more tests or complicate things more before having this example running in your CI/CD.

There’s much more to explore in Testcontainers, like using a generic container and relying on docker-compose.yml files. You can even use it to make web acceptance tests, something I’ll explore in a future article.



Luís Soares

I write about automated testing, Lean, TDD, CI/CD, trunk-based dev., user-centric dev, domain-centric arch, coding good practices,