The Biggest Problem With HTML? Developers, DEVELOPERS, developers!

Jason Knight
Published in
11 min readApr 23, 2021


Developers, DEVELOPERS, DeVeLoPers, developers…

We oft make fun of Ballmer for his half-crazed sweat-flinging borderline mental breakdown, but his message was on target. Without giving developers the tools and knowledge they need to work with your system, they will not just be hobbled, they likely won’t drive whatever it is you’re working on forwards!


Alas and alack in the trenches we see that developers canst be their own worst enemy in this regard. From choosing piss poor “frameworks” that make them work harder, not smarter, to willfully flaunting their ignorance of the basics whilst copying other people’s code in the blind hope they’ll get the job done.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the arrogant, lackadaisical, if not outright dismissive attitude shown towards HTML. The endless glittering generalities and false claims from those not qualified to write a single line of it knows no bounds.

Simply put, developers do not take HTML seriously enough, and when you dare to point out that failing? All you can expect is a endless mindless stream of lame excuses for why they can’t be bothered to do a single blasted thing properly!

Queue The Lame Excuses

“HTML isn’t a real programming language”



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse