The Future Of Transportation And Self-Driving Cars
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2022


Self-driving cars are already on the road and they’ll become more common in the years ahead. These days, they’re mostly being used in tests, but that will change soon enough. Not only could self-driving cars lead to a reduction in traffic fatalities, but they could also reduce pollution and reshape how people live. Plus, companies like Amazon have already started testing self-driving delivery trucks and other businesses can’t wait to use this technology for their purposes. Some of us may still be wary about riding in a driverless vehicle, but, likely, we won’t be able to avoid them for too much longer.


Self-driving cars will be adopted faster than the average person expects. A lot of people think that it’s going to take a long time for self-driving cars to be widely available and used, but I believe they’ll happen much sooner than most people think. Over 70 million vehicles on the road already have some level of autonomy when compared with just 450,000 in 2019. In the future, there’s going to be an even bigger jump in adoption.

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