The Importance of GPU Memory Estimation in Deep Learning

Ghassan Dabane
Published in
4 min readSep 24, 2023

A few months ago, while I was training a computer vision model with my typical `` Python script — you know, the one with just a couple of lines and a beautiful CLI — I decided to take a break and indulge in my usual 11 am coffee ritual.

As I sat there with my cup of java, I couldn’t help but bask in the glory of data science and machine learning. I was proudly flexing my muscles, bragging about how we data scientists could craft a few Python lines and push those mighty NVIDIA GPUs to their limits.

But then, my colleague, a developer, chimed in with a remark that made me pause mid-sip. He commented on how data scientists often unleash deep learning models on resources that aren’t exactly cheap or power-efficient. It was clear; he was a tad envious of my GPU-powered adventures. As I contemplated his words, I realized there might be some truth to them.

You see, in my pursuit of squeezing every last drop of performance from my GPU, I had occasionally found myself tinkering with batch sizes and allocations without truly understanding what I was doing. In my mind, I had a seemingly abundant pool of VRAM, and I was determined to utilize every precious megabyte of it. But in reality, was I the only one caught in this whirlwind?

In recent years, deep learning has reshaped the landscape of AI, powering applications such as computer vision, natural language processing, and gaming. One of the key tools that have accelerated the development and deployment of deep neural networks (DNNs) is the GPU. However, harnessing the full potential of GPUs for deep learning comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to managing GPU memory effectively.

The GPU Memory Challenge in Deep Learning

Deep learning models, known for their complexity, can be memory-hungry. Developers and data scientists often find themselves in a predicament — they need to configure their models optimally to train or run inference on those GPUs, but estimating the GPU memory requirements accurately can be elusive. Running out of GPU memory mid-task, often referred to as an Out-of-Memory (OOM) error, can be a frustrating roadblock.

If you’re a fellow data scientist, consider a scenario where you’re training a PyTorch ResNet50 model with a batch size of 256 on an NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU. The model needs 22 GB of GPU memory, but the P100 has only 16 GB. Without proper memory estimation, this endeavor is destined to fail.

GPU Memory Estimation Matters

Recent research has shown that GPU memory estimation is not just a minor concern; it’s a significant challenge in the world of deep learning. According to a study conducted at Microsoft [1], 8.8% of failed deep learning jobs were attributed to the exhaustion of GPU memory. This makes it the leading cause of OOM failures in deep learning tasks.

Another study, examining 2716 Stack Overflow posts, identified OOM failures as one of the primary issues related to deep learning bugs [2]. This underscores the critical importance of having precise knowledge of GPU memory consumption beforehand to mitigate those failures and conserve valuable platform resources. A memory usage estimation tool becomes an invaluable asset in achieving this goal.

In C, C++, or Java, various techniques exist for estimating memory consumption [3], but applying them to DL frameworks presents unique challenges. DL’s hybrid programming paradigm, reliance on low-level operations (like Conv2d), and hidden runtime factors make precise GPU memory estimation difficult.


In the realm of DL, existing techniques that are implemented inside the popular frameworks, like Shape Inference and some performance analysis methods, estimate GPU memory usage by examining aspects like tensors during forward propagation. However, they only provide a partial view of memory consumption, ignoring complex factors during backward propagation and framework runtime, which significantly influence GPU memory usage.

I stumbled upon a tool called DNNMem [1]. DNNMem is designed to accurately estimate GPU memory consumption for DL models. It takes a novel, comprehensive approach to tackle these challenges, outperforming Shape Inference in effectiveness and robustness.

The framework presented operates by representing the execution of a DL model as an iterative process on a computation graph. Each node in this graph is represented as an operator, such as a matrix operation, and each edge specifies the execution order. The tool then calculates the memory required by each operator, providing an accurate estimate of GPU memory consumption.

What makes DNNMem even more valuable is its framework independence. It works with various deep learning frameworks, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and MXNet. It takes into account factors like tensor liveness, operator scheduling, and CUDA context management, refining its estimates based on real-world factors. The average estimation errors are below 16.3%.

Real Vs. DNNMem Estimated Consumption

So, dear fellow data scientist, the next time you’re tempted to push your GPU to the brink of meltdown, just remember, even the mightiest GPUs need a breather. Because after all it’s not about who has the biggest GPU; it’s about who knows how to use it without setting his house on fire!

#DeepLearning #GPU #AI #DNNMem #OOM

