The New Spring Authorization Server with Kotlin

A practical survey of OAuth 2 authorization with the new Spring project

Yanneck Reiß


Photo by Gin Patin from Pexels

Even if these two processes often get mixed up, authentication and authorization describe two different processes.

Authentication describes the process of identifying who accesses a resource, authorization on the other hand describes what resources are allowed to be accessed.

The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework is the industry-standard protocol for implementing a flow that allows enabling limited access to specific resources. Hereby the actual access permission can get fine-granular scoped.

The participants in a common authorization flow are the following:

  • Client application
  • Resource Owner (User)
  • Resource Server
  • Authorization Server
Simplified authorization flow principle

The Spring Authorization Server is a community-driven project and is meant to be used as a standalone application. With its recent release, it got promoted from Spring’s experimental projects to Spring projects.



Yanneck Reiß

Follow me on my journey as a professional mobile and fullstack developer