The Shocking Discovery of Apple M1 SSD That You Need to Know

What Apple didn’t tell you.

Tan Han Wei


Original photo by wayhomestudio | Animated GIF by Author

On 29 March 2021, my M1 Macbook Air died. Yes, dead. I sent it to the nearest Apple Store and got it serviced. Two days later, I got it back, and I lost all of my data. Fine, lesson learned — “always back up your data!” so I thought.

You can read the full Story here:

So is that the end of the Story? Unfortunately, NO!

I did more research about M1 devices and tested the repaired unit. As a result, I discovered some surprising truths.

No TBW Specification

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Terabytes Written (TBW) is an important indicator of the amount of data that can be written to a Solid State Drive. The bigger its TBW, the more data you can write to it.

Wait, there’s a LIMIT to it? Yes, its underlying technology, the NAND flash memory…

