The Six Hardest Parts of Being a Software Engineer

Programming isn’t one of them.

Josef Cruz


Photo by Martin Péchy on Unsplash

From the experience that I have acquired and that I continue to acquire, I think that the most challenging thing is that programmers need to have good ability and logic to understand problems and have good development to interpret such situations.

For what reason?

Today, companies and other places are looking for an engineer who is efficient, analytical, objective, observant, abstract and why not and very important with human capacity. All these aspects for me, to tell the truth, describe an excellent engineering computer and/or software.

But there are also other reasons:

  1. They do not know how to communicate with the client. Programmers think company managers and directors are dumb because they don’t understand computers. Managers and directors believe that software engineers live in another world. Bridging the gap between business and computing is complicated.
  2. System engineers sometimes don’t know how to hire good programmers. With so many computer specialties, finding the right person for the job is hard. On the other hand, an experienced programmer can start working on a system, language, or application that he doesn’t know in a few days. Waiting…



Josef Cruz
Writer for

Entrepreneur, coder, husband, father. I spend my days on the web learning and sharing information across the globe.