The Ultimate Guide to Excel Tables

Andrew Moss
Published in
19 min readJul 8, 2022


A table is defined as “a set of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns.” They structure data in a way that ensures fast and efficient readability.

In Excel, they have official status. A table is an object with its own features and capabilities.

Simply dumping some data onto a worksheet and applying colour and border formatting is nothing more than a facade. Pseudo-tables do not give you any functional advantages.

Real tables can filter and sort data, expand and shrink, as well as use structured references.

They first appeared in Excel 2007, although in prior versions were called lists and offered the same basic features.

This article explores the ins and outs of tables and how to use them effectively.


Table Parts
Header Row
Total Row
· How to Create a Table
From the Ribbon
Keyboard Shortcut
· Table Design Contextual Tab
· Hide the Header Row
Show the Total Row
Emphasise First and/or Last Column
Banded Rows and Columns
Sort and Filter
Table Names
Table Name Rules
Header Name Rules
· Select a Table in the Name Box
· Resize the Table
From the Ribbon
With the Resize Handle
· Tables Expand Automatically
· Insert Rows or Columns
Delete Rows or Columns

