Top 10 Tips How To Learn And To Grow Your PYTHON

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6 min readNov 4, 2022

Python is a very useful and versatile programming language. It’s used in most big companies, including Google, Dropbox, and Facebook. The reason behind this popularity is that it’s easy to learn and you can do pretty much everything with it. People who want to start learning Python will find many resources online but the best way to learn how to become a Python developer is by joining an online community where people share their experiences and help each other out with questions or problems they might have encountered while trying to learn something new in life.

1. Learn the basics, then the rest will come.

  • Learn the basics, then the rest will come.

This is one of the most important things to know when learning Python. If you learn all the basic stuff before moving on to more advanced topics on Python, then it will make your life easier when you’re trying to understand a topic that requires some knowledge of variables and loops as well as functions and classes in addition to other things like data structures (lists, dictionaries etc.).

2. Learn by example.

The best way to learn a new language or API is by example. It’s been proven that the more you look at code, the better you will understand it. So if you don’t have any examples of python code, let me recommend some places where they are available:

  • Code samples in books
  • Tutorials on forums (StackOverflow) or other websites
  • Documentation

3. Ask questions and make mistakes.

  • Ask questions and make mistakes.

When you are stuck, ask the question that’s on your mind. There is no need to be shy about asking for help from someone who can give it to you! Asking for information helps us learn better, but also makes us better humans by helping us grow and develop our skills in a way that would not have been possible otherwise. This also encourages others around us too because they get rewarded when they help someone else out with their problem or question which may lead them towards giving more time or effort into solving problems like yours (or even teach them something new). In addition, making mistakes while learning allows us not only learn from them but also helps build confidence in ourselves — which will eventually bring success after lots of hard work!

4. Join a group of people learning the same thing you are.

Learning is a social activity. It’s easy to understand why, given the fact that we learn best when we are in groups, but it doesn’t just stop at learning from other people. Learning can also be done alone or with just one other person. You don’t need a crowd of people to help you grow as a programmer or any other skill set for that matter! However, joining an online community of learners is one of the best ways to get feedback and ideas on what works for others as well as yourself.

This tip comes up often when I ask students about their experience with learning programming languages like Python (which has over 400k+ users worldwide) and how they managed their time studying it. They all say something similar: “I joined some forums where people were talking about their experiences using certain tools/libraries etc…and then started asking questions myself which led me towards better understanding some things”. This method works particularly well if there isn’t much free time available during work hours since it allows them access anytime anywhere via Internet — even while commuting!

5. Set goals for yourself and try to achieve them

  • Set goals for yourself and try to achieve them

If you want to learn Python, then it’s important that you set some goals for yourself. If your goal is “learn Python”, then I would suggest that you take this one step further and create a personal mission statement or mission statement with your family members or friends who can help support your journey in learning the language. This will help keep your motivation going when things get tough, and make sure that even if something comes up unexpectedly (like losing access to a computer), there are still other people around who understand what’s going on so they can help out when needed!

6 Have a mentor that can help you with your journey

The best way to learn is by having a mentor. This person can help you with your journey and show you what steps need to be taken in order for you to grow as a developer. Mentors are found all over the world, from online communities to conferences, so don’t be afraid of getting involved!

7 Teach others what you know so far

  • Teach others what you know so far

This is a great way to learn more about the subject matter and gain feedback on your knowledge. You can also help others in the process, which will make you feel good about yourself.

8 Never stop learning and practice

You should never stop learning and practicing.

You’ve been learning Python for a while now, but your knowledge is still limited by what you know. This is normal! It’s important to keep yourself constantly learning new things in order to grow as a programmer.

The best way to do this is by taking courses online or attending events like PyCon where there will be plenty of experts available who can help teach you more about the subject matter at hand.

9 Creativity is very important

Creativity is very important.

It’s the process of coming up with solutions to problems and making code readable and easy to understand.

You need creativity to find solutions when you don’t know what’s going on in the code, or when there are too many tasks for one person alone (for example: writing tests). It allows us to think outside of the box, come up with new ideas and make our code more readable/understandable by rewriting it into different languages/technologies if necessary.

10 Join a community of people learning the same thing you are and share with them what you found interesting in the process of learning .

There is no way you could learn all the things about Python on your own. You need to have a community where people are sharing their knowledge and helping each other out. This way, you will be able to learn more than what is available in books or online tutorials. You can join an online community like StackOverflow , where developers share their code snippets, ask questions and receive answers from other members of this community. This provides great opportunities for learning new skills while building relationships with other developers who are also interested in Python programming language!

It’s not as easy as it looks to learn how to become a Python developer but it can be done if you have the willpower and commitment to do it

Python is not a language for the faint of heart. It takes time to learn and it’s not easy, but if you have the willpower and commitment then you can grow into being a Python developer.

It doesn’t matter how many mistakes you make along your path; learning will never be complete unless there is someone who shows them to you so that they can help guide your path forward. The community around us is very important as well because without their support we wouldn’t be able to do what we do!


A Python developer is a person who uses Python to solve problems. This article is a step by step guide that tells you how they can learn and grow their Python skills.



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