Top 10 Ways Marketers Are Making You Addicted to Python

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5 min readNov 4, 2022

It’s a language that’s easy to learn, versatile, and flexible — and it powers some of the world’s most amazing projects. Python is an incredibly popular programming language for a reason: it’s powerful and has been around long enough that you can find tutorials on YouTube with hundreds of thousands of views. But what if I told you there was one particular programming language that worked better than Python? What if I told you this programming language was addictive? You might have heard about this “addictive” programming language called JavaScript — it’s not actually as addictive as we’ve been led to believe though. No, this programming language is called Python!

10. Python is always being used

Python is a general-purpose programming language that was created in the 1980s. It’s one of the most popular languages for data science, and it’s also used in many fields outside of data science.

Python is used in the financial sector and scientific sectors such as biology, astronomy and physics. It’s also popular among developers who work with web applications or game development studios because it’s easy to learn but powerful enough for complex tasks like building large-scale applications or creating video games.

If you’re interested in using Python but aren’t sure where to start (or if your company doesn’t yet support it), here are some resources that will help:

9. Python is a global language

Python is a global language, so you can use it to build apps for any platform. It’s also easy to learn and flexible enough that you can use it in many different ways without having to change your approach too much.

If you want to make an app for iOS or Android? No problem! If you want to build something that needs some server-side logic (like an API), no sweat — Python has libraries for just about everything else under the sun too.

8. Python is easy to learn

Python is easy to learn. The syntax is simple, and there are lots of resources available to help you learn it.

If you’re new to programming languages, this makes Python particularly appealing because it’s so approachable. You don’t have to spend years learning how best to use a language before being able to start using it — you can just dive right in!

Python also has a great community that caters specifically towards beginner programmers like yourself: there are many online forums where people will answer your questions or help guide you through your first few projects (and even beyond).

7. Python powers amazing projects

Python is everywhere. It powers some of the most popular websites, services and applications in the world.

Some examples: Instagram, Google, Netflix and Dropbox; the latter three being used by millions of users every day to help them accomplish their daily tasks easier and faster.

6. Python is versatile

Python is a general-purpose programming language that can be used for web development, data science and machine learning. It’s also used in finance and insurance. It’s one of the most popular languages used by developers today because of its versatility and ease of use.

Python has become an essential tool in many areas including machine learning (ML), web development and scientific computing. ML is gaining popularity because it allows businesses to make automated decisions based on large sets of data without having human intervention — it’s a great way to solve complex problems with minimal effort!

5. There are stacks of Python tutorials on YouTube

There are stacks of Python tutorials on YouTube. There are also lots of books, courses, and other resources that can help you learn the language.

There’s no doubt about it: Python is a great programming language to master because it’s easy to find examples of code when you need them (and thanks to its open source nature). The best part is that there are so many different ways to learn Python — whether it be through online courseware or even just having fun with friends in your free time!

4. It’s a growing language (and community)

Python is the fastest growing language in the world, with more than 20 million users worldwide. It’s a great choice for beginners and experienced developers alike because it’s easy to learn, read and write.

Python has a vibrant community of developers who are dedicated to making Python better for everyone by creating new libraries, tools and frameworks that make your life easier as an engineer or designer!

3. The world needs more Python programmers

Python is a popular language that’s been around for over 20 years. There are plenty of jobs available with Python, and it’s becoming increasingly popular as an option for developers to learn.

If you want to get a job in tech or start your own business, learning Python will give you an edge on other candidates because they won’t have the same experience as you do!

2. Big companies choose it for their projects

Python is a popular language for big companies. It’s used by Google, Facebook, Spotify and Netflix to name just a few examples. NASA uses it as well: they use Python for all their projects that deal with space exploration. The European Space Agency uses it too! And so do the US Army and Navy (who use Python).

If you think this list is impressive enough — and let’s face it: who wouldn’t? — then here’s something even more impressive: according to StackOverflow’s most recent survey on programming languages (which found out which languages people are using), Python was number one overall in terms of popularity among developers worldwide (Sage came in second place). That means there are lots of people using this versatile programming language around the world!

1. It’s a joy to use

Python is a joy to write, read, and work with. The syntax is simple and elegant, the libraries are well-designed for use in web development (for example), and it’s easy to pick up new skills quickly.

You can also create your own data analysis packages for the Python ecosystem by writing them in pure Python or extending an existing open source package like Pandas.


We’re addicted to Python. So much so that we don’t even notice the time fly by anymore when we’re coding in it. That’s why marketers are trying to get you hooked on their products and services (which is a good thing).



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