Top 3 Back-End Programming Languages for Web Developers In 2022

The rest you can ignore (at least for now)

Przemyslaw Jarzynski


Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

Front-end development technologies are easy. It is down to three languages, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

What is problematic sometimes for web developers that want to enter back-end development, is what back-end programming language to choose?

Let me make it very easy for you because for general-purpose back-end web development (not software development) your choice comes down only really to three languages.

(1) JavaScript

If I was starting back-end development right now there would be no other choice than JavaScript.

If you are a front-end web developer or at least started a little bit of web development at all, you most likely came across and learned a little bit of JavaScript.

If you know a little bit of JavaScript already then you can relatively quickly jump on Express or Next.js and start developing in these back-end frameworks.

And these are just to start with and there are many more back-end JavaScript frameworks.

They are fast, scalable, and with integration to most popular database engines like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB so you don't need to look…



Przemyslaw Jarzynski
Writer for

20+ years in Web Development | Senior Web Dev in leading cloud-computing company for the life sciences with HQ in California. YouTube: