Top 4 Databases to Use For Projects

Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL & MongoDB

Mai Pham
4 min readJul 5, 2021


Photo by Ian Battaglia on Unsplash

Let me just preface by saying that because tech is always evolving, there is a multitude of databases out there, some are being developed as we speak. Back when the tech was still a newborn, you can pick one relational database and you could build a whole project. But in today’s Software Development, choosing the right database is one of the most challenging tasks. In this article, I will only delve into the top 4 databases that I found to have a growing prevalence in modern tech. They are Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. I will discuss a little history and key features.

So, what is a database?

A database is “an organized collection of structured information or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system,” according to Oracle. In other words, a database is like a filing cabinet in your office where all the files and important information are organized and stored. Every company (office) should have a database (filing cabinet) to store data.

Choosing the best database is important as some information we store can be sensitive and detrimental to the company if it gets leaked. So we have to be careful when it comes to accessing and manipulating information in the database. Choosing the right database is also dependent on the purpose of the project.


Coming in at №1, Oracle was created by Larry Ellison in 1979. It is the leading commercial Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) written in languages like C, C++, and Java (not to be confused with JavaScript), dominating the Unix and Linux Systems. Oracle is the most widely used RDBMS because it is efficient and uses less memory when processing data. The latest release is 21c and it includes many innovative features.

Relational Database: collection of information that organizes data points with defined relationships for easy access. The data is organized as a set of tables with columns and rows. The table holds information about the objects, each column holds a certain kind of data and a field stores the value of an attribute.

  • Cross-platform and can run on various operating systems including Windows, Unix, Linux.
  • Has a networking stack that enables applications from a different operating system to communicate with the Oracle DB smoothly. For example, applications on Windows can connect to the Oracle DB on Unix.
  • Offers Blockchain Tables


Coming at №2, MySQL (Structured Query Language) was developed by two software engineers, Michael Widenius and David Axmark. MySQL is also an RDMS and quickly became popular in the tech community for its enterprise-grade features. It focuses on robustness, stability, and maturity. Today, it is one of the most popular and widely used in web applications. Giant companies such as Facebook and Uber use MySQL.

  • Comes with custom-built graphical integration that is time-efficient for users
  • Supports most programming languages such as C, C++, Python, Java, PHP
  • Maintains large databases, up to 50 million rows or more in a table
  • Able to create various designs, tables, and view data without syntax


At №3, PostgreSQL was introduced by Michael Stonebraker in 1996. It is also one of the most used databases and the most advanced open source RDBMS. It enables developers to manage data regardless of its size. It also allows you to define your own data types, index types and functional languages PostgreSQL supports most programming languages such as Python, Java, C#, C/C+, Ruby, Javascript, Perl, & Go.

  • Many extensions of PostgreSQL with various advanced features
  • ACID (Anomity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactional guarantee
  • High Scalability, predefined functions, easy data portability, multiple interfaces


When it comes to using a NoSQL Database, MongoDB is the top priority. MongoDB is a simple, object-oriented, dynamic, and scalable database. Because it is not a relational database, there is no need for columns and rows like traditional databases. Instead, the data object is stored as separate documents instead a collection. MongoDB is written in languages like C, C++, and JavaScript. It can be used for mobile apps, real-time analytics, and can provide a real-time view of all data.

  • Fast and easy to use. Deployment flexibility, high performance, and easy scalability
  • Supports graph search, geo-search, and text search
  • Deep query-ability. Supports dynamic queries on documents using a document-based query language that’s almost as powerful as SQL

So, no matter what type of projects or applications you, as a programmer, are building, it is important to choose a database that is suitable for your needs. Databases provide a consistent organized structure for storing and retrieving large amounts of data. They allow developers to build more complex applications that can take orders, process payments, authenticate users, and much more. There are approximately 343 databases out there. Do your research in finding the best one for you!

