Top 8 Flutter Github Repositories For Developers

Discover resources for animation, state management, & more.

Aaron Reddix
10 min readJul 4, 2024


Flutter’s hot-reload functionality, rich UI library, and ability to build beautiful apps for both iOS and Android from a single codebase are attracting developers from all over the world. However, navigating the vast array of resources can be difficult, particularly for beginners. For Flutter developers, GitHub provides a wealth of useful repositories that can help them learn faster, improve their development skills, and spark their creativity.

This article delves into the Top 8 Flutter repositories on GitHub that every developer, from beginner to seasoned professional, should visit. These repositories were carefully selected based on their quality, relevance, and value to the Flutter development community. From comprehensive code samples to cutting-edge animation libraries, this list contains everything you need to advance your Flutter skills.

1. Flutter Example Apps

Our list begins with the fantastic “Flutter Example Apps’’ repository by iampawan. This gem is a goldmine for developers looking for inspiration, practical examples, and a better understanding of Flutter’s features.

The repository contains a large collection of well-structured, open-source Flutter applications that demonstrate a variety of features and functionalities. These apps range from simple games like Tic Tac Toe and calculators to more complex ones like music players and chat applications.

Benefits for Developers

  • Explore Best Practices: By delving into these well-crafted apps, developers can gain valuable insights into industry best practices for developing robust and efficient Flutter applications.
  • Discover App Ideas: Need inspiration for your next Flutter project? Look no further! The diverse range of example apps can inspire new ideas and jumpstart your development journey.
  • UI Design Inspiration: The repository’s apps showcase a wide range of design patterns and UI implementations, offering a wealth of inspiration for creating visually appealing and user-friendly Flutter interfaces.

Repository Link: FlutterExampleApps

2. Awesome Flutter

For any Flutter developer, “Awesome Flutter” by Solido is a must-see repository. This aptly named resource lives up to its name, offering a comprehensive one-stop shop for everything Flutter-related. It’s not just example apps you’ll find here; “Awesome Flutter” curates a wealth of resources to help developers at all stages of their Flutter journey.

This meticulously maintained repository provides a well-organized catalog of diverse resources, including:

  • Flutter libraries and plugins: Discover a vast library of pre-built components and functionalities that will help you streamline your development process and add powerful features to your Flutter apps.
  • Tutorials and articles: Improve your knowledge with a carefully curated collection of high-quality tutorials and articles on a wide range of Flutter development topics, from fundamental concepts to advanced techniques.
  • Videos and screencasts: For those who prefer a more visual learning approach, the repository contains a library of video tutorials and screencasts that provide clear and engaging explanations of Flutter concepts.
  • Packages and tooling: Explore a variety of packages and development tools to improve your Flutter development workflow and productivity.

Benefits for Developers

Using the vast resources provided by “Awesome Flutter,” developers can:

  • Stay Updated: The repository is constantly updated with the most recent and greatest resources, ensuring that developers remain ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of Flutter development.
  • Find the Right Tools: Stop wasting time looking for the perfect library or tutorial. “Awesome Flutter” provides a centralized location to find the most useful resources for your specific development requirements.
  • Expand Your Skill Set: The diverse range of resources caters to developers of all experience levels, allowing them to constantly learn and expand their Flutter development skill set.

Repository Link: Awesome Flutter

3. BLoC

When it comes to managing application state in Flutter, the BLoC pattern stands out as a popular and well-regarded approach. The “BLoC” repository by felangel is the official home for this state management library, which provides developers with a robust and structured way to manage data flow within Flutter apps.

What is BLoC?

BLoC separates your application’s logic (business logic) from its presentation layer (UI). This separation produces cleaner, more maintainable, and testable code. Here’s a simplified explanation of how BLoC works:

  1. Events: Widgets send events to the BLoC. These events contain user interactions or other triggers that cause a state change.
  2. Business Logic: The BLoC receives the event and executes the required operations to update the application’s state. This could include retrieving data from a network API, running calculations, or modifying existing data.
  3. States: Based on the processed event, the BLoC generates new states that reflect the updated application data.
  4. UI Update: Widgets listen to the BLoC’s state stream and rebuild themselves whenever a new state is emitted, keeping the UI in sync with the application’s current state.

Benefits of Using BLoC in Flutter Apps

By incorporating BLoC into your Flutter projects, you can gain several benefits:

  • Improved Code Maintainability: BLoC encourages clear separation of concerns, making your codebase easier to understand, modify, and debug.
  • Enhanced Testability: By separating logic from the UI, you can easily unit test your BLoC components, resulting in a more robust and reliable application.
  • Predictable State Management: BLoC ensures a consistent flow of data within your app, making it easier to predict how state changes will affect the UI.

Benefits for Developers

The “BLoC” repository on GitHub adds even more value to developers by offering:

  • The Core BLoC Library: This readily available library allows you to begin integrating BLoC into your Flutter projects right away.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed documentation walks developers through BLoC concepts, usage patterns, and best practices.
  • Examples and Code Samples: The repository contains practical examples that demonstrate how to use BLoC in a variety of scenarios, allowing developers to better understand the implementation process.
  • Active Community: As the official repository, it fosters a vibrant community of BLoC users by providing access to discussions, troubleshooting resources, and opportunities to contribute to the library’s development.

With these valuable resources at their disposal, the “BLoC” repository on GitHub enables developers to effectively use the BLoC pattern to build well-structured, maintainable, and testable Flutter applications.

Repository Link: bloc

4. Flutter Basic Widgets

Building a solid foundation is critical for any successful endeavor, and Flutter development is no different. PoojaB26’s “Flutter Basic Widgets” repository is an excellent resource for beginners looking to get started with Flutter application development.

This repository focuses on giving users a clear and comprehensive understanding of the fundamental building blocks of any Flutter application: basic widgets. Here’s what you should expect to find:

  • Explanations of Core Widgets: The repository delves into core widgets such as Text, Container, Row, Column, and others, offering detailed explanations of their properties, functionalities, and use cases.
  • Code Examples and Demonstrations: Understanding concepts through code is essential. This repository offers practical code examplesUnderstanding concepts through code is essential. This repository contains practical code examples demonstrating how to implement and customize basic widgets in Flutter projects.
  • Beginner-friendly Approach: The explanations and code examples are clear and concise, making them easy to understand for developers new to Flutter.

Benefits for Developers

Using the resources provided by “Flutter Basic Widgets,” beginner developers can:

  • Solidify their Foundation: Gain a thorough understanding of the essential widgets that form the foundation of any Flutter application.
  • Learn by Doing: The code examples and demonstrations give developers hands-on experience, allowing them to experiment and put their newly acquired knowledge into practice.
  • Build Confidence: Mastering basic widgets boosts developers’ confidence as they embark on the journey to create more complex Flutter UIs.

The “Flutter Basic Widgets” repository serves as a starting point for aspiring Flutter developers. It provides them with the fundamental knowledge and practical skills needed to confidently create beautiful and functional Flutter applications.

Repository Link: FlutterBasicWidgets

5. Flutter Animate

When it comes to adding a touch of magic to your Flutter applications, “Flutter Animate” by gskinner stands out as an effective tool. This highly regarded library enables developers to create a wide range of animations, bringing life and interactivity to their Flutter UIs.

“Flutter Animate” goes beyond the basic animations provided by the Flutter framework itself. It provides a comprehensive toolkit for creating complex and visually stunning animations for Flutter projects. Here are some key features of the library:

  • Pre-built Effects: Use a library of pre-built animation effects such as fade, scale, slide, and more to simplify the development process for common animation scenarios.
  • Customizable Shaders: Take animation to the next level with “Flutter Animate’s” ability to apply custom GLSL fragment shaders to widgets. This enables the creation of unique and visually appealing effects.
  • Synchronized Animations: Ensure smooth animation coordination by synchronizing animation sequences with scroll events, notifications, or any other data source in your application.

Benefits for Enhancing User Experience

By effectively incorporating animations into your Flutter apps using “Flutter Animate,” you can achieve several benefits:

  • Engaging User Interactions: Animations can increase user engagement by adding interactivity and visual interest to your UI elements.
  • Improved User Experience: Well-designed animations can help users navigate complex interactions, provide feedback on actions, and make the user experience more intuitive and enjoyable.
  • Visually Appealing Applications: Animations add polish and sophistication to your Flutter apps, helping them stand out from the crowd.

The “Flutter Animate” repository includes more than just the library itself. It also includes extensive documentation and examples, allowing developers to learn about the library’s features and explore its potential to enhance their Flutter projects with captivating animations.

Repository Link: flutter_animate

6. Samples

Looking to learn by example? The official “Samples” repository by flutter is a goldmine for developers looking to expand their Flutter development horizons. This repository contains a treasure trove of code samples, each demonstrating different functionalities and approaches to common development tasks in Flutter.

The “Samples” repository contains a diverse collection of well-structured and documented code samples, organized by functionality. Here is what you will find:

  • Core Flutter Features: Explore code samples that demonstrate how to use Flutter’s built-in features to implement fundamental functionalities such as state management, navigation, networking, and more.
  • Advanced Techniques: Explore samples that demonstrate more advanced concepts such as animation, platform interaction, and custom widget creation, which push the limits of Flutter’s capabilities.
  • Real-world Scenarios: Examine samples that address common use cases and real-world application scenarios to gain an understanding of practical implementations.

Benefits for Expanding Your Skillset

By exploring code samples in the “Samples” repository, developers can learn:

  • Learn Different Approaches: Each sample demonstrates an alternative method for achieving a specific functionality, allowing developers to compare and select the approach that best meets their requirements.
  • Discover New Features: The repository may introduce you to lesser-known Flutter framework functionalities, thereby expanding your development toolkit.
  • Solidify Learning: Developers can strengthen their understanding of Flutter concepts and best practices by investigating and comprehending how others implement features in code.

The “Samples” repository by flutter is an excellent learning resource for developers at all stages of their Flutter journey. It allows them to experiment with different approaches, discover new possibilities, and continually improve their Flutter development skills.

Repository Link: Samples

7. Riverpod

For Flutter developers looking for an alternative approach to state management, “Riverpod” by rrousselGit stands out as a compelling option. Riverpod, inspired by the Provider package, provides a powerful and streamlined solution for managing application state in Flutter projects.

What is Riverpod?

Riverpod streamlines the process of providing and consuming data throughout your Flutter app. It provides a centralized location for managing application state, resulting in less boilerplate code and better code organization. Here’s an overview of some key features:

  • Providers: Similar to Provider, Riverpod uses providers to define and share data throughout your application. These providers can store a variety of data types, including state, configurations, and services.
  • Dependency Injection: Riverpod employs dependency injection principles, which enable you to inject dependencies into your widgets and other components. This promotes cleaner code and allows for easier testing.
  • Automatic Change Notification: Riverpod automatically notifies widgets that rely on a provider when the provided data changes. This ensures that your UI is always in sync with the most recent application state.

Benefits of Using Riverpod in Flutter Apps

By using Riverpod for state management in your Flutter projects, you can gain several benefits:

  • Simplified State Management: Riverpod provides a more concise and less verbose approach to application state management than traditional methods.
  • Improved Code Organization: Centralized state management promotes a cleaner code architecture with fewer dependencies among widgets.
  • Enhanced Testability: Dependency injection allows for easier unit testing of your components and functionalities.
  • Active Community: The growing popularity of Riverpod fosters an active community with easily accessible resources, support channels, and ongoing development.

The “Riverpod” repository on GitHub contains the core library as well as extensive documentation and tutorials. These resources enable developers to effectively use Riverpod’s features and streamline state management in their Flutter applications.

Repository Link: riverpod

8. Ultimate-Flutter-Resources

Any Flutter developer looking for a one-stop shop for learning resources should check out yassine-bennkhay’s “Ultimate-Flutter-Resources” repository. This curated collection serves as a comprehensive resource hub, offering a diverse range of materials to developers of all skill levels.

This meticulously maintained repository provides a well-organized catalog of diverse learning resources, including:

  • Tutorials and Articles: Expand your knowledge with a curated collection of high-quality tutorials and articles on a variety of Flutter development topics.
  • Code Snippets and Examples: Gain hands-on experience by exploring practical code snippets and examples that demonstrate various functionalities and approaches to Flutter development.
  • Video Tutorials and Screencasts: For those who prefer a visual learning experience, the repository includes links to video tutorials and screencasts that provide clear and engaging explanations of Flutter concepts.
  • Books and Documentation: The repository compiles a list of useful books and official Flutter documentation, offering in-depth learning resources for developers looking to gain a thorough understanding of the framework.

Benefits of Using the Ultimate Flutter Resources Repository

Using “Ultimate-Flutter-Resources,” developers can:

  • Discover a Learning Path: Explore a variety of materials that are tailored to their current skill level and learning objectives.
  • Stay Up-to-Date: The repository is actively maintained, so developers always have access to the most recent and relevant Flutter learning resources.
  • Find Answers Quickly: The well-organized structure enables simple navigation and quick access to specific topics or resources.
  • Contribute to the Community: The repository promotes collaboration by encouraging developers to share their resources and knowledge with the Flutter community.

The “Ultimate-Flutter-Resources” repository is a valuable resource for any Flutter developer. It enables developers to keep learning, exploring new possibilities, and staying ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of Flutter development.

Repository Link: Ultimate-Flutter-Resources


The world of Flutter development is brimming with resources, and these top eight GitHub repositories are excellent starting points for developers of all skill levels. From fundamental knowledge to advanced techniques, state management solutions to UI inspiration, these repositories offer valuable tools and learning materials to help you on your Flutter journey.

We encourage you to actively explore these repositories, learn about the resources they provide, and experiment with the code samples and libraries. Don’t be afraid to contribute to the discussions and interact with the vibrant Flutter community. As you continue to learn and grow, consider contributing by sharing your own knowledge and creations, thereby fostering a collaborative and ever-changing ecosystem for Flutter developers worldwide.

Happy Fluttering!



Aaron Reddix
Writer for

Web dev here, with a serious case of Flutter fever! Currently, exploring the exciting world of cross-platform development with Flutter.