Trends of American Popular Baby Names in the Past 40 years

Web scraping and Data visualization of the 100 most popular baby names with Python

Mariko Sawada


Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash


Millions of babies are born in the United States every year, and they are all given their name as their first gift by adults who surround them. However, as time goes by, naming seems to be changing. Do you know what factors affect baby names born recently and how the elements have changed over time? Using the data collected from U.S. Social Security Administration, I discovered the latest trend of popular names for babies born in the United States and how the trend has been changing since 1980. Specifically, I tried to find differences in trends between male and female names.

All the codes I used for the analysis are available on my GitHub repository.

Motivation for this analysis

I first learned about the popular baby name website when I was learning web scraping techniques in an introductory data science…



Mariko Sawada
Writer for

MA in Statistics/Data Visualization/Machine Learning