Unleash the Documentation: Supercharge Your JavaScript with JSDoc

Andrew Richard
Published in
6 min readApr 26, 2024

From Comments to Clarity: Master the Art of JavaScript Documentation with JSDoc


Hello there, my fellow JavaScript aficionados.

I’m a simple React developer. I like my frameworks exclusively Next.js and my types strictly defined. But today, I want to share with you one of my favorite JavaScript tools no matter how you choose to develop with it.

So sit back and buckle up as we explore the world of JSDoc — a powerful tool that can help you define your JavaScript code and add documentation without ever having to learn TypeScript. Your future self and your team will thank you for your impeccable, easily-accessible explanations of your code.

Meme of stick figure questioning elusive data types saying, “So that string… secretly became a number?”
A contemplative figure pondering the mysterious nature of transforming of data types. [imgflip.com]

Bridging the Documentation Divide

Whether you’re a fan of TypeScript or prefer vanilla JavaScript/JSX, JSDoc is a game-changer. It serves as a bridge between the strictly typed world and the dynamic nature of JavaScript, allowing you to provide clarity and structure to your code without the added complexity of dedicating to a type system.

By annotating your functions and variables with JSDoc comments, you can define clear, explicit types and provide valuable documentation that makes your code easier to understand, maintain, and scale. JSDoc allows you to become a master of markup, giving you the tools to turn your typical boring static comments into clear, explicitly defined types. Your code will instantly become easier to understand, maintain, and scale. With JSDoc, you can provide much of the same clarity that comes from TypeScript’s explicit types without the added complexity and overhead.

Getting Started

Integrating JSDoc into your workflow is like sprinkling magic dust over your code. Here’s a quick example to show you what I’m talking about:

* Greet someone with a friendly message.
* @param {string} name - The name of the person to greet.
* @returns {string} The greeting message.
function greet(name) {
return `Hello, ${name}! Welcome to the world of JSDoc.`;

The @param and @returns tags inform the documentation generator about your function’s parameters and return value. When you annotate your functions with JSDoc comments, something remarkable happens in modern IDEs like Visual Studio Code.

Once we have added the JSDoc annotation above the greet function we just created our IDE will display the documentation you created no matter where you import the function in your project.

Screenshot of the tooltip generated in VSCode for the `greet` function we created, demonstrating how our JSDoc annotations are readily available by hovering over the function where it’s instantiated instead of having to dig around hoping to find comments wherever the function was created.
Screenshot showing an example of a JSDoc comment in a code editor. The function greet takes a parameter name and returns a friendly greeting message.

Pretty cool, right? Here are a few more wonderful benefits you’ll unlock by including JSDocs to your repo:

  1. Instant Documentation: Hovering over the function call displays a tooltip with the function’s documentation. This tooltip will show the description, parameters, and return type — all the details you annotated earlier.
  2. Enhanced Developer Experience: This immediate access to documentation improves code readability and helps maintain consistency across a team. Instead of diving into the function definition to understand what it does or what it expects, you get all the necessary information in a succinct popup.
  3. Type Checking and Insights: The @param and @returns tags aren’t just for show — they’re actively used by the JavaScript engine and your editor for type checking and during the autocompletion features. If you try to pass a number where a string is expected, the editor will promptly warn you, thanks to the type annotations.
  4. Improved Code Maintenance: For anyone new to the codebase, or revisiting their own code after a long time, these annotations act as a quick refresher on how the functions are supposed to be used. This is immensely helpful in reducing the cognitive load while debugging or extending existing code.

In essence, JSDoc notation does more than merely document; it breathes life into what was once mere static comments, turning your codebase into an interactive, informative guidebook. Adding JSDocs to your code is like having a knowledgeable guide gently whispering helpful tips in your ear as you explore the ancient ruins of a once lifeless repo.

Unlocking Advanced Features

Let’s venture beyond the basics. JSDoc’s advanced capabilities that can significantly elevate your documentation:

  • @typedef: Craft custom types that clarify complex data structures. Define once, and use everywhere — your code’s readability skyrockets.
  • @property: Delve into detailing object properties within your typedefs or in documentation blocks for class-like objects. It’s like giving each property its mini-doc spotlight.
  • @example: Illustrate your functions with real code snippets and let your examples showcase its usability.
* Represents a book.
* @typedef {Object} Book
* @property {string} title - The title of the book.
* @property {string} author - The author of the book.
* @property {number} pageCount - Number of pages.

* Logs a book's info.
* @param {Book} book - The book to log.
* @example
* logBook({ title: "1984", author: "George Orwell", pageCount: 328 });
function logBook(book) {
console.log(`${book.title} by ${book.author}, ${book.pageCount} pages`);

In this code snippet, we define a custom type Book using @typedef. The Book type is an object with three properties: title, author, and pageCount. Each property is annotated with its respective type and a brief description.

Next, we have a function logBook that takes a Book object as a parameter. The @param tag is used to document the book parameter, specifying its type as Book and providing a description.

The @example tag demonstrates how to use the logBook function by providing a concrete example. In this case, we call logBook with an object literal representing a book.

By leveraging JSDoc’s advanced features like @typedef, @property, and @example, we can create more expressive and informative documentation. These tags help clarify complex data structures, provide detailed information about object properties, and offer practical examples of how to use our functions.

Generating Impressive Documentation

Now, I’m just going to assume you’re wondering, “This sounds great, but how do I generate documentation with this?”

Well, don’t worry, my friend! The process is straightforward with the right tools at your disposal.

One popular choice is the JSDoc tool itself. Think of it as the diligent assistant of documentation generators. To get started, you’ll need to install JSDoc via npm. Here’s how you can set it up:

npm install -g jsdoc

This command installs JSDoc globally on your machine, allowing you to run it from anywhere in your file system. Once installed, you can generate a full set of HTML documentation pages by running JSDoc in the root directory of your project:

jsdoc yourJavaScriptFile.js

This will generate a docs folder containing all your HTML documentation, structured and styled based on your JSDoc comments. For more detailed usage and additional configurations, the JSDoc website (https://jsdoc.app/) is your go-to resource. It doesn’t just host the tool but serves as an extensive guide, offering insights into more advanced tags and features. Whether you’re looking to document complex types or leverage JSDoc’s full potential, this site is an invaluable resource.

The easiest way I get solid JSDocs with little to no effort is just by dropping my code into ChatGPT or Claude, or even just getting the comments started in VSCode with GitHub Copilot. I add JSDocs to everything, and my IDE knows me so well. So next time you’re about to write some crucial code that you know will be used by others, don’t just leave cryptic clues for them to decipher — consult your preferred AI and let it guide you in creating clear, comprehensive documentation.


Embracing JSDoc isn’t just about adopting better coding practices — it’s about crafting the story you intend for everyone who interacts with your code to easily follow. Consider adding JSDocs to your next project and elevate your coding narrative with ease, turning every line of code into a clear, well-documented masterpiece that stands the test of time. Be the hero your codebase deserves, and transform your projects into exemplars of clarity and foresight.

Partially AI generated artwork for cover image of article.
Revel in the power and glory of the almighty JSDoc.

So, why wait? Start your JSDoc journey today! Here’s some suggestions to get you started:

  1. Pick a small project or a few key functions in your codebase.
  2. Annotate them with JSDoc comments, describing parameters, return values, and adding examples where helpful.
  3. Generate the HTML documentation using the JSDoc tool and marvel at the results.
  4. Share your newly documented code with your team and bask in their admiration for your commitment to clarity.

Remember, every great journey begins with a single step. Take that step today, and watch as your code transforms into a beacon of clarity and understanding on your journey becoming a legend among your peers.

Happy documenting.

Continue reading: Unleash the Documentation Pt. II: Mastering Advanced JSDoc Techniques

